why are you apologizing to a death eater?

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"Why are we having two meetings in two days?" Fred yawned. As the three of them walked down the path toward the Burrow. "Seems a bit much, right?"

George shrugged, "Did something happen?"

Order members were apparating left and right in front of them, tipping their hats when they saw the trio. Gentle smiles as they passed the three, hurrying to beat Moody's rage that evening.

"I think it's probably because of Mundungus, he got arrested last night and is in Azkaban..." August mirrored Fred, yawning louder.

"Why are you three so tired?" Tonks appeared in front of them beaming.

"We ate our weight in bread today at Toms." August smiled at Tonks

"Did you bring any home?" Tonks wiggled her brow.

"Dad and Sirius are fighting over the doggy bag inside now. They're much faster walkers than us." Tonks laughed loudly. "You might be able to snag a piece before they even realize," August told her. The three laughed as Tonks sprinted through the door in front of them, and then disappeared into the living room. A second later, she was back in the kitchen with a piece of bread hanging from her mouth with a blush on her face.

"They're definitely not fighting..." She said wide-eyed, taking a bite out of her bread, "And they definitely did not see me enter the room..."

"Oh lord." August laughed.

"Where are your fathers?" Moody grumbled, looking around the full room, minus them. "Whadya do to your hair."

"They're fighting over bread in the living room." August and Tonks shared a knowing look. She ignored the hair question.

"You two, quarreling like an old married couple, while you should be ready for a meeting!" Moody snapped when Remus and Sirius walked in, beaming brightly. Tonks laughed at Sirius' messed up hair, knowing very well it was not from fighting over the leftovers.

"Mundungus got himself arrested." Moody said, "So Tonks needs a new partner."

"ME! ME!" August jumped up in the seat she had only sat down in, "I'll do it!"

"No. Sit your arse down, O'Keefe." Moody said quickly, "You two are terrible together."

"No, we're not!" Tonks protested, "I want Moon as my partner again, or I'm staying solo!"

"Fine!" Moody grumbled, slamming his cane on the ground. Molly looked down to ensure he didn't put a hole in the floorboards. "You're going back to school, O'Keefe."

Emmeline was walking around the kitchen quickly, finding an empty seat behind August, planting a gentle kiss on the top of August's head, and nudging the boy's head with her hands.

"Hi Em." The trio turned around at her smiling.

"Hogwarts?" August asked, turning back.

"Clearly!" Moody snapped, "Tonks and you will go to Hogwarts to speak to Dumbledore, get an idea what's been going on around Hogsmeade, and get some insight into what students might be saying or seeing.."

"Word." August beamed. It wasn't going back to the castle that was exciting to August, it was seeing Harry and asking him all about his year while she was gone.

"What about that kid?" Arthur asked, "That nine-year-old?"

George and Fred looked over at August for answers, because clearly, they were not reading the Prophet.

"He tried to kill his grandparents, he was also arrested." She whispered, while she listened to Tonks and Moody give updates on the boy.

"Imperius Curse?" George asked.

the gentle moon / george weasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon