give it a few months

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"Congratulations, O'Keefe." McGonagall greeted August outside the Great Hall.

"You forgot to charm it." August pulled her robes back, showcasing the Head Girl badge on her sweater.

"I realized that after I sent it, I am sorry."

"No worries." August smiled, "Jet fixed it for me"

"I am very relieved how your trial ended..." McGonagall sighed, "There is still much more we need to do, but I believe we will get there."

August smiled at her, but when she tried to walk into the Great Hall, her professor stopped her

"Dumbledore mentioned you lost your temper a few times in that courtroom..." McGonagall gave her a stern look.

"Oops..." August shrugged

"And threatened a few Wizengamots as your closing statement..."

"He caught that." August beamed, "I mean, it would have been hypocritical if an unregistered animagus voted against me."


"Is there something you're not telling me, professor?" August asked, "As much as I missed our talks, I saw you a few days after the hearing... We could have talked about this then, what's different?"

"There is something I needed to speak to you about." McGonagall's eyes softened, "You will be attending private lessons this year."

"Private? Why?"

"With Professor Snape, he will be-"

"Why?! I've only ever received outstanding marks in his class!"

"I am aware..."

"I'm also the only one in my year who got outstanding on the potions OWL!"

"I am aware! If you would let me finish."

"Sorry, right..." August stepped back, "Carry on."

"He will be teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts this year."

"On top of my normal class?" August furrowed her brows, "Is Harry as well? Does this have to do with the tournament?"

"No, just you. These are new accommodations set for you-"

"No! This is what the ministry was worried about, me getting special treatment... I have to decline, it'll look bad. You must understand!"

"This was actually the decision of some... a few... maybe a handful..." McGonagall sighed, "The Minister and one other Wizengamot member, actually the Minister just allowed it, I don't think he really cares-"

"Professor! You're rambling!"

"The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has asked if you were removed from her class."

August's face fell. "Oh."

"But Professor Snape has offered to teach you privately."

"Right." August sighed, "I understand."

"This is a good thing, August." McGonagall said, "I wouldn't want you in that class anyways."

"Who is the new professor?" August asked

"You should get going, the feast is about to start and I need to go collect the new first years"

McGonagall walked away, leaving August confused.

"Professor!" August yelled

"You will be told during dinner. Just go inside." McGonagall's shoulders dropped, "I'm sorry, August. I tried to fight this... I didn't want her here."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now