turn me so that I can be like you

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It was the sound of laughter and forks hitting their plates that floated through the warm living room, turned to a dining room that night, at the Burrow. Sirius hadn't touched his food, his fork stayed hovered over his mound of potatoes. He wouldn't even look up from his plate. Harry watched anxiously across the table with his cup sealed between his lips. The way Sirius' throat twitched, told Harry he was finally ready to speak.

"Harry, can you pass the salt?" George called, reaching across the table at him, "Is August still out with Moody? Weren't they just patrolling this afternoon?"

"Surprised she back doing missions already..." Ron mumbled into his roast, "Is she even ready?"

"August is strong." Ginny stated, "It's probably best for her to be out of that house. It's covered in photos of her and her mother. It must be awful."

Harry's eyes switched from Sirius to George with a clenched jaw.

"I can't wait to see her!" Fleur said excitedly, "She was barely there at the funeral, I don't even think she noticed I was there."

"Maybe we'll finally get her on a broom." Charlie laughed, causing all the kids besides Harry to laugh with him. "We should have a game after dinner."

"Just make sure there's a first aid nearby." Fred almost choked on his potatoes from laughing.

"About that..." Sirius said in almost a whisper. There were still quiet conversations picking up around the room, "August isn't patrolling tonight. She went on a mission..."

It fell silent, except for the sound of Remus' fork falling on his plate making a deafening clatter. George stayed bent over the table with his arm reached out to Harry, like he was still waiting for the salt, but his attention was on Sirius at the other end of the table.

"What?" Remus choked, like actually choked. After his coughing fit, and Molly making him drink water, he stood up quickly; almost knocking over his chair in the act. "What do you mean she's on a mission? We never discussed a mission..."

Sirius couldn't seem to look into anyone's eyes. His mouth was moving like he was speaking but no words were coming out. But when he did finally look up, Harry noticed the red rim around his eyes like he had been crying this whole dinner. Sirius had tense shoulders, and it almost look like he was making himself smaller in his chair.

"She-" Sirius finally looked at Remus and his mask dropped, "I'm so sorry love..."

And Remus fell back into his chair, understanding exactly what was happening now. George was shaking his head, his face contorted in confusion, looking at everyone for more answers.

"What's happening?" George asked, and Arthur and Molly quickly emptied everyone out of the room, except for Remus and Sirius. When Molly tried to get Harry to leave, he shook his head and whispered to her, that he knew. That August told him. Molly's lip quivered, as she looked at Harry and then her son who was shaking, begging for answers.

"Is it my fault?" Molly asked. "Did she change her mind because of me?"

"What do you mean is it your fault?" Georg snapped, "What- what did you say to August?"

"I-i just told her..." Molly couldn't get the words out, "She wanted to marry you. And I told her no."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" George yelled, throwing his chair back on the ground, "Why the fuck would you tell her that!"

"I–i... Georgie, I am so sorry."


"George please!"

"It wasn't Molly's fault son!" Sirius said, "She already decided. Once she saw Jade take her last breath, there was no way of getting our August back. She needs to do this."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now