i was once your professor

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"New spot we have," Ase said, sipping his coffee, "How do you feel about this new environment?"

"I've been here before," August said.

"How is post Hogwarts treating you?"


"Do not speak to me like that! I am your father!"

"This is why I didn't tell you! Because I knew you would overreact!"

"Overreact... Overreact?! August Moon, when will you realize that I care for you?! When will you get your head out of your arse and realize that you are not this inconvenience to me!"

"Well, maybe I think that way because you left me!"

"So you are still mad at me for that..." Remus lowered his voice.

"Of course, I'm not." August sighed, letting her anger melt away. "It was just the heat of the moment. I'm not mad at you, I know why you left. I get it, I promise."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Remus sighed, holding her arm, "I, of all people, would understand."

"I know..." August's lip quivered. "I was embarrassed. I honestly didn't want to tell any of you, but mum saw it and Sirius, well he just knew..."

"Does it hurt?"

"No." August told him, "Not anymore."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." August groaned, pulling her arm away, "Can everyone stop apologizing?! You didn't do this! Mum didn't do this! Bole did, he did this to me. He is the one who needs to apologize!" She walked to the other side of  the room, "Wait, who even told you!? Mum or Sirius?"

"Sirius," Remus admitted.

He didn't even get the chance to grab her, because she ran out of the room so fast. Remus was only a few steps behind her when she reached his room.

"Oppugno!" August yelled, causing all the pillows around Sirius to start hitting him. Sirius woke up so fast and in a panic, that when he tried to jump out of bed, he didn't notice his blanket grabbing at him causing him to fall face-first onto the ground.

"Finite." She whispered.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" Sirius yelled, holding his bleeding forehead. "Did you just hex my bed to attack me?!"

"You told him! You bastard!"

Sirius cringed, "You said that to me once, Remus."

"Shut up, Sirius." Remus sighed.

"It's going well..." August lied.

"Have you told your parents about the scar, the one your classmate of yours gave you?"

"Yep." She popped the last 'P'.

"And about your shirts and ties?" He scribbled in his notebook.


"You have PTSD," Ase said, simply.

"No, I don't." August said, "I'm working on it."

"Are you?" Ase looked up and saw that her shirt was still unbuttoned at the neck.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now