very hansel and gretel of you, granger

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"No one's here," George whispered, backing August into a corner.

"They're all upstairs." She giggled when his body pushed against hers, "They'll hear us. George!" August giggled, "Moody is in the garden!"

"Then we'll have to be quiet." He said with narrowed eyes, full of lust. His hand started to follow the seem of her shirt, pulling at her waistband. "Right here, on this table." He smiled.

"George." August giggled when she felt his hand touch her bare skin, "We should go up to my room. We eat here!" He started moving her to the table, picking her up to put her on it.

"I need you right now." He hushed her, "I'll be quick." He was lowering himself in front of her, keeping his eyes up at her, when Snape came stumbling into the kitchen, causing August to jump halfway in the air off the table, pushing George's head, and causing him to lay flat out on the floor.

"Jesus Christ!" August yelled, grabbing her chest, "Why the hell are you here?"

"Why does this keep happening to me..." George groaned, readjusting his pants before his old professor walked closer to them.

"You're alive," Snape said, almost in shock. He walked to her, closer than he had ever been to her. Her back bent as he got close to her face, staring with uncertainty.

"Clearly," George scoffed, "Can you leave?"

"Can I help you?" August said with wide eyes as Snape looked down at her

"Where is Sirius? Your parents?"

"Upstairs." August said, "Dad's in the study, boggart got out... I think Moody is having a smoke out back... Is Harry okay?"

"He had a vision."

"Oh," August said, "About me?"

"Yes." Snape said, "And then he called through the fire, but Kreacher answered... And told him, you weren't here."

"Oh," August shrugged, "Well, I've been a little busy..." She eyed George, "Let's call him back."

"You can't." Snape said, "I have to go back to the castle. I need to tell him myself, do not use the fire."

"Why?" August asked as she followed him out.

"He won't be there, he's not in the castle."

"What do you mean he's not in the bloody castle?! Where the hell is he?"

"Don't move, August. Don't do anything... Stay here. I will contact you, do not go anywhere." Snape warned, and then with a crack he was gone. August stared at where he stood, and fear took over. Snape had never called her August before.

"August?" George called from behind her. She was standing in the middle of the hall, frozen.

"MUM!" August yelled as she ran up the stairs, "Mum!"

"What?" Jade came running out, "Wha-What's wrong? Are you two okay?"

"I don't know! Snape was just here, and he said Harry had a vision. Mum, I think Harry is going to do something stupid,  he thinks I'm hurt. Kreacher told him that I was gone. He said-"

"Okay, okay calm down." Jade grabbed August's arms, "First you need to take a breath."

August took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Okay, now tell me what else did Snape say?" Jade said gently.

"He said to wait, to wait here. He said he will contact us... Mum, what is happening?"

"I-I don't know... Remus!" Jade yelled, "Sirius!"

Both of them came running. Remus who was in the study taking care of the boggart that Kreacher had let free, and Sirius came from the room Buckbeak was in. Kreacher had also attacked Buckbeak that evening, and Sirius had been taking care of him.

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