i think you said his name...

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"You're afraid she has a broken soul?" She could hear their voices muffled by the closed door in front of her. She was about to knock on Remus' study when she heard them, and now her hand is stuck hovering just by it, ready to knock.

"She won't tell me what happened out there," Remus sighed, "I don't know anything. All I know is last year my daughter left in the middle of the night and came home this changed person."

"She didn't kill anyone." Regulus said, "I made sure of it."

"How long?" He asked,

"How long what?"

"How long did it take for you to realize who she was..."

"The second she opened her mouth." She could hear the grin growing on his face. "I don't think it's a bad thing. That she changed."

"I didn't say it was a bad thing!" Remus snapped.

"Okay, chill out." Regulus yawned, "I wasn't assuming that you did."

It was silent for a moment.

"She didn't hurt anyone either." Regulus admitted, "She punched me a few times, but she never really laid a hand on the lot... She actually took care of them, even when they hurt her."

"Where's that guy?" Remus asked, "The one who almost killed her."

"Rotting, probably." Regulus yawned. "I killed him."

August could already see the look on Remus' face. His eyes soften and his jaw relaxes when he knows someone really cares for her.

"I went looking for her. She was late to dinner that night, and then I noticed that Big wasn't around... I honestly thought-" Regulus' voice wavered, "I honestly thought I was too late..."

"Thank you." Remus said, "For saving her. I owe you my-"

"I don't do debts." Regulus interrupted him, "You don't owe me anything. Just let it be."

"She's pretty great isn't she?"

"She must get it from Jade." Regulus joked, "Can I ask you something?"


"How was he?" He asked, "Sirius? Must've been a relief when he heard I died."

"I wouldn't say that," Remus said, "Maybe a relief that you got out finally, but there was no actual relief when he found out. He almost gave up. Give up on everything."

Regulus stayed silent.

"'Bout drank himself into a coma the week he found out, that's when Jade took him in. She thought maybe him helping us raise August full-time would distract him from everything. Have a reason to come home from his missions..."

"When did you leave?" Regulus asked, "You didn't leave like right after right? You didn't leave him then..."

"No... A few months before August's third birthday. Dumbledore had been planning for me to go undercover for a bit, and thought maybe it would be easier on everyone if I distanced myself... Probably best that Sirius was around more often... Lily was pregnant again, so everyone was a little distracted to notice I was gone most days."

"Do you regret it?" Regulus asked, "Leaving?"

"Every day."

"She forgave you right? They forgave you..."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now