he thinks it's still there?

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"I got interesting letters this morning." August fell back on the couch between the twins.

"From who?" Fred mumbled as he shoved his face with the breakfast that Molly dropped off. August complained about too many pieces of moldy cheese in their fridge at dinner the other night and Molly took it upon herself to drop meals off every day.

August and the twins are lucky they are so close to The Leaky Cauldron because they would be starving at this point.

"Harry." August said first, "And then Hermione."

"Are they mad?" George smirked, looking over at August.

"Harry is." August smiled, "Not actually, he just wished he could have been here for the wedding. But Hermione's letter was the one that caught my eye this morning."

"She snitching on the boys?" Fred laughed, "What are they up to now?"

"Not the boys, just one of them..." August smirked into her coffee, "And your sister."

The twins' eyes went wide, and their heads snapped toward her.


"Did they-"

"I bet she did it first-"

"Harry was always a bit shy around her-"

"Gin is the one who clearly has the pants in this-"

"Actually!" August put the letter up in the air, "He is the one who initiated the kiss."

"Really?" George laughed.

"Good for Ginny." Fred smiled, "She's been crushin' on that boy for years."

"His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad-" George said.

"-His hair is as dark as a blackboard-" Fred laughed.

"-I wish he was mine, he's really divine,-" August lost it.

"The hero who conquered the Dark Lord." The three of them said in unison. Falling onto each other laughing.

"Harry was so embarrassed when he got that valentine in the middle of the hall." August snorted, "Malfoy never let him live it down."

"Neither did you." Fred laughed, "I think you repeated that poem every day for a year when you saw him."

"Ginny has a way with words." August admitted, "It was so good."


"Are you sure you don't want to work for us?" George grinned at her, blocking the door. "We have a lot to do with this shipment we got this morning. We'll be busy in just a few weeks when schools out."

"I am sure." August smiled, "I have errands to do today anyways."

"Errands?" He lifted a brow.

"I have some things I need to check up on." August told him, "It's safe, I promise."

He looked at her unconvinced.

"Reg and I are meeting a friend." August told him, "Our friend."

"Got it." George nodded, realizing it was Cassius. "How is he? He stopped by a handful of times last summer, but haven't really seen him."

"He's busy..." August sighed, "He's got a lot on his plate right now."

"Just be safe," George leaned down, kissing her softly. "Please."

"I will see you at dinner."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now