I still feel some light cramps when she does that, but the first time was much worse.
"How are you feeling baby? Any pain?"
He asks as he gets into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
"Sore, not really in pain. But it feels as if my vagina will never be normal again."
He snorts, "it will be fine, I saw her come out and when she was born it looked pretty good to me. I'm sure you'll be back to normal really soon."

I blush, I realize he's definitely seen me at my worst yesterday. How on earth will he ever look at me the same again.
"Stop that, I can tell what you're thinking and I don't see you any different. I will gladly bury my face down there as soon as we can and when you're ready."
I shiver, the way things are feeling now I can't imagine things will be normal again. But Phoenix isn't even a day old, so it's way too early to even think about that.

"Don't worry baby, we won't do anything you're not ready for. I can wait as long as you want me to. But that's not for now. How is she drinking?" He puts some scrambled eggs and bacon on toast for us to eat.
"Like a champion, she's amazing isn't she?"
He sits down next to me, enjoying the vision of his baby girl drinking the milk my body is making for her.
"She's the best. Just like her mom. I love you both so much. I'm still amazed by how you managed to push her out yesterday. You were so quiet. I would have expected a lot more screaming."

"I did a bit right?" I have a feeling the entire city might have heard me.
"No you just said it hurt a couple of times, but other than that you were so silent. As if you were in your own world, focused on the task ahead." He feeds me a bite of the eggs and I sigh, it's delicious, I was a lot more hungry than I thought.
He quickly finishes his breakfast as does Phoenix, so he takes over to burp her.
I eat watching him walk around, softly patting her back to get any possible air to come up.

She lets out the cutest little burp and we're both melting.
"Oh my god we're those parents that will tell everybody around all the little things she does. She burped, we send a text in the group chat about it. She pooped, we do the same. Has she pooped yet?" I ask, I know it can take a while.
"No not yet, but she will, because she is my supergirl. So she's going to make daddy proud with her first poop today. I'm sure of it."
He is just gushing over her, I know for sure that the bond they already have and will have as she grows older will be unbreakable.

"Do you mind if I take a shower. I would love to wash myself properly." I ask when I finished eating.
"No problem, just leave the door open, if you feel faint or whatever just shout, so I can help you."
I get off the couch and give him a loving kiss on his lips. Then I kiss our girl on her soft hair before heading into the shower.
In the bathroom I get undressed and I check myself in the mirror. My boobs are huge, even bigger than they already were.

Where my bump was my belly is still somewhat swollen, but you can definitely tell there's no more baby in there. The skin doesn't even feel too loose, so I'm curious to see how it will look like in a couple of weeks.
I step into the shower and enjoy the warm water running over me, I manage to wash my hair and my body, and I carefully rinse myself down there.
I feel a lot better afterwards, so after drying off I put on one of those sexy granny panties again with the adult diaper sized pad. Then a legging and a special nursing top to finish the look.

I brush my hair and put it up in a messy bun, I don't have to look pretty right now.
As I head back in the living room Daniel is sitting on the couch, Phoenix sleeping on his chest and he just looks like the happiest man alive. And honestly I think he actually feels like that right now. He even put a cute outfit on her.
"So should we ask Michael and Blake to come over to meet her? I'm sure they are dying to see her, especially Michael." Daniel asks me as he strokes his hand over Phoenix her little back.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now