She's everything.

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"So you two are going to work out, I'll go to the store for groceries, because now I have to feed 4 instead of 2 people." I'm checking the kitchen to see what we have and what I need to get.
"Michael could you maybe write down what I have to get, I could make pizza with cauliflower base if you guys would like that?" All three nod, so I hand Michael my phone so he can put in a shopping list.
"Blake would you like to join me?" I ask Daniels friend.
He looks surprised, I guess he didn't expect that question.

"Yeah sure why not." He shrugs and when Michael is done with the list I kiss Daniel and me and Blake head out.
I'm super excited because Daniel told me I could drive his car and I've never ever driven anything even remotely similar to this. Now I only hope I don't destroy it.

We make it to the store in one piece, although I do think Blake was a bit scared a few times. But hey I'm not an F1 fan because I like to go slow. I'm sure he'll get over it. At least we got some time to talk and I do feel he's opening up to me, Michael told me Blake was super skeptical about Daniel and me, which is fine.
I'm glad Daniel has friends that look out for him and want him to be happy.

When we get back home the boys are also finishing up their training, I put away all the groceries and Daniel comes up to me.
"So how about tonight, we can go out with Michael and Blake?"
"Maybe we should do that tomorrow, I'm sure they are both jet lagged and going out might not be the best idea for today." I suggest and he nods.
"Yeah I guess you are right. Today we can relax and go to bed early, tomorrow we can party."
I lean against him, "sounds good. I'm sure you know a nice place to go tomorrow."

He wraps his arms around my waist and we just stand there for a moment enjoying each other's company. "Yeah I've got something in mind."

We relax the rest of the day, play some games and mostly we talk a lot and joke around. My pizzas actually turn out very good, with some help from Michael.
"When are we flying to Miami again?" I ask when we finish our pizzas.
"I think Monday, it's a 5 hour flight and the team has rented a car and booked the hotel for us. So that's all taken care off." Daniel answers.
"Is it ok if I leave some of the things I bought at Universal Studios here? I don't think I can put everything in my suitcase." I realize I make it sound like I expect to come back here.

"Sure you can. I'm hoping to be here during summer break with you again so we can spend more time here." Daniel smiles and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy again. So he wants to come back here in a few months. That would be awesome. As long as we can visit my family as well, even if it's just for a day or 2. But we'll talk about that later.

That evening we are just sitting together chatting, I decide to let them talk without me.
"Babe, I'm going to take a nice bath, you guys could use some boy time I think. I have been dying to test that tub, so I might as well get in there now." I want to get up from the couch, but Daniel holds me back first.
"Are you sure? You don't have to go."
Why is he so cute? "Yeah I really want to take a bath. I'll see you in a bit when I am done." I give him a kiss and make my way upstairs.

I can hear the guys saying that they are going to sit outside as it's a really nice evening. I fill the tub and put a bath bomb in there. The scent of vanilla fills the bathroom, the window is opened a bit so I can pretty much hear everything Daniel, Michael and Blake are talking about.
I don't want to eavesdrop so I lower my head a bit until my ears are in the water. I close my eyes, to enjoy the silence and relax in the warm water.

Daniels POV:

The three of us move outside to hang out on the lounge set we have there. It's a perfect evening to sit outside for a while.
"So Blake, have you changed your mind about Skylar yet?" Michael asks our friend.
Blake shrugs, "I guess she's alright."
I look at him with a questioning look on my face. How can he even say that, but before I can respond to tell him off. He starts to laugh.
"No mate she's nice, I guess I was wrong about her. I still need to get to know her more, but she does seem like a really genuine person."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt