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He takes off and I have to work hard to keep Rain with me. She really wants to follow Buck.
"Easy girl, we'll get them in a bit." Daniel reaches the tree, I make sure I'm stabile on the bare horse back and then give Rain the signal to go.
I feel her muscles tense up under me, without the saddle I can feel it even better.
She sprints away and I lean forward, holding the reins and her manes. I squeeze my knees, so I won't fall off, but her movements are smooth so I quickly am able to relax my legs a bit.

She's lightning fast, all I hear is the wind in my ears and her hooves trampling the earth underneath us.
Daniel definitely has quite a distance between us, but I notice we are catching up on him, making me smile.
"That's it, let's get them girl." Rain doesn't need any encouragement, but I see her left ear turn back towards me.
It's almost like we're flying, I don't think I've ever ridden a horse this fast. It's going to break my heart leaving her here, her and I are connected and she's amazing. But I know we can't keep a horse in Monaco and we are away so often it wouldn't be fair for her.

We're closing in on Daniel and Buck more and more until we are besides them.
He looks around and sees me with a massive smile racing next to him.
"See you later!" In the distance I can see the ranch and the people outside waiting for us to finish. They are all cheering us on and it gives Rain an extra push to increase her speed.
We reach the ranch about 4 seconds before Daniel does. I sit back to slow her down and jump off her back to walk with her until she has caught her breath. Stroking her neck and praising her for her effort.

"That was freaking awesome." I hear a voice behind me and when I look back it's Devon, the barbecue master from last night.
"It sure was, this horse is just wonderful. I absolutely adore her." I say checking her breathing which has come down to a normal pace again.
"The two of you look made for each other." He says before going back to the rest.
"Yeah well, too bad I can't put you in my suitcase to take you with me. If I would be able to give you the life you deserve I would definitely know where to use the money I got from Mercedes, for." I tell her leaning against her neck with my cheek.

"You don't have to say goodbye just yet, we still have 8 days here." Daniel says coming up to us.
"I know, but I just get attached real quick and with her it's even worse. But I'll just have to get over myself. I have nothing to offer her now, she's better off here." Even if I could offer her the life she deserves I don't think Daisy and Alex would sell her. She is one of their best horses.

We get the horses back in the pasture while we go to the main house for a drink.
"So Skylar, I heard we have to thank you for a healthy calf?" Alex says when we come in.
"I'm sure if we wouldn't have been there, one of you would be checking up on them." I say taking a sip of the sweet iced tea.
"But we might have been too late. So thanks." He pats my shoulder with a big smile and I shrug.
"I couldn't have done it without Daniels help." Looking around I see Daniel talking to Casey and another guy I don't remember the name off.

I walk over and overhear them talking about the lake.
"Yeah you can swim in it. It's a bit chilly, but on hot days that's even better."
"Is this about the lake?" I ask when I joined them.
"Yeah, we can swim in it, so maybe we have some time for that while we're here." Daniel puts his arm around my shoulder.
"That would be nice. How deep is it?" I still haven't been able to get rid of my fear of open water. Even though this is a lake and not an ocean. So I don't it will be too scary.

"It's quite deep in the middle, but you'll be able to stand for quite some time before you get there."
I don't even know if we'll have the time to swim at all this week, but maybe we could go for a late night skinny dip.
After the drinks Daniel helps out fixing the fences and Alex asks me to help him work with some of the younger horses.
The day flies by and I still haven't thought about what my price is going to be for winning the race.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now