Perth is full of surprises.

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Holy Mac 'n Cheese balls, I've actually passed the 30000 reads. That's crazy. Thank you so much!! You have no idea how much this means to me.

Our time in Tambourine Mountain has flown by. We went to the Gold Coast, which was a bit too touristy for our liking. The other days we spend hiking, driving around and just enjoying ourselves.
But now it's time to say goodbye to the cabin and take a flight to Perth.

We have an appointment for an ultrasound in Perth as I'm now 16 weeks, so it's time for another check up. I still feel amazing, my bump seems to grow every day, which for me is prove our peanut is thriving.
We still have some time before we have to go to the airport, so we're sitting on the deck again, just to enjoy the view one last time.
I'm leaning against Daniels chest, his hand on my bump with mine on his.

We don't talk, we don't have to. It's just so peaceful, that talking would ruin it.
Suddenly I feel as if there are tiny bubbles in my belly popping.
"Wow that was weird." I say, thinking it's gas, but really hoping it's not, because that would ruin the moment.
"What was?"
"I don't know, it felt like bubbles popping in there. It's gone now." I don't feel anything now.

"Oi what the hell, this feels so weird. The bubbles are gone, but now it's more like something fluttering." A realization hits me.
"Babe!! I think I just felt peanut move, I read online it could feel like a flutter or bubbles." I turn around to face him.
"I felt our baby!! Our son or daughter is moving around and I can feel it." My eyes fill with tears of joy.

"You did?! But that's amazing!" He puts his hand back on my bump, but the movements are so small he can't feel it from the outside.
"You'll be able to feel it in a few weeks. At least that's what I've read." I can see he is a bit disappointed, I wish he could feel it as well, but peanut is still so tiny. In a few weeks he should feel it too.
"I know, it is amazing though. It proves that our little one is doing well. And with the ultrasound in a few days we can see him or her again as well."

"I can't wait to see how much peanut has grown already. By the looks of my bump he sure has." I have a feeling it's a boy, although Daniel is convinced it's a girl. We have about 24 weeks to go until we found out. But still in 4 weeks we're already halfway and I think as soon as the season starts the weeks will fly by.
"Come on we should be heading out. I've put the suitcases in the car, so let's get to the airport and then our next stop is Perth. I can finally show you around and show you were I grew up."

We get up and lock the door behind us. We were asked to leave the key under the plant again, so after we put it there we get in the car and drive off. Leaving with loads of memories, new friends and good things to look forward to.

Little note from me: I don't know exactly where Daniel lives in Perth so anything about his home there has all sprung from my imagination.

We just arrived in Perth and are now waiting for our luggage. Somebody is going to be in the arrivals to pick us up, we don't know if it's his parents or maybe Michael who has also arrived in Perth a couple of days ago.
Finally we see our suitcases roll our way, quickly grabbing them before they disappear again.
"That was the last one right?" I ask looking at the suitcases we grabbed.
"Yeah we got everything. Let's go see who's here to take us home."

As soon as we walk through the sliding doors we see Grace and Joe waiting for us.
"Oooh you're here, hi my darlings!!" Grace comes up to us, tears in her eyes. First she puts her arms around me, leaving Daniel standing with his arms wide open. His face is hilarious, but his dad quickly grabs his son and gives him a tight hug.
"Oh Sky look at you, you're really showing now. You look so beautiful." I adore Grace, she has shown me so much love from day one. Which is obviously the reason I want our baby, if it's a girl to have Grace as a middle name.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now