No more.

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Shane and I dated for a few months and it seemed so perfect. Almost too perfect to be true. And I guess it was.
After a while there were some small changes in his behavior. He became a bit more clingy, wanting to know where I was all the time.
Also he didn't really like it if I went out with Brianna and Jenna, but that was something he would never be able to stop me from doing.
When I met his family, it was amazing. His parents were truly lovely people. As for his brother, he was really nice, but he kept looking at me a bit worried. I tried not to pay too much attention to it. But it was kinda weird.

During the night I went to the bathroom, his brother was standing in the hallway when I was on my way back to the dining room.
He stopped me in my tracks and all he said was:" Be careful". I was so confused, but he walked away immediately after that, so I couldn't ask about what he meant with that.
I thought he was trying to warn me not to break his brothers heart or something, so I decided not to pay attention to it as I was not planning to break Shane's heart.

More time passed and Shane became even more possessive over me. To the point where he would be with me pretty much all the time when he wasn't working. He tried to stop me watching Formula 1, because he thought I was watching it for the handsome guys. That wasn't true, I mean I had a little crush on Daniel, but I never met him and I would never meet him so I didn't really see why it bothered him so much. I just loved the sport, but he found it hard to believe.
I talked about it with Jenna and Brianna and they warned me that it was getting out of hand. They were afraid he would eventually succeed and keep me away from them and my family.

Their comments definitely made me think more about the direction our relationship was going in. I mean I was in love with him, but his behavior was getting a bit scary. I tried to talk to him about it, but he just said he wanted to protect me because he loved me so much and he didn't want my friends to be a bad influence on me.
I decided it was time to take a break and I told him I needed time to think about what I wanted. I really needed some distance between him and me, so I asked him to leave and not contact me for a while.

He did not take that very well...

As soon as I told him what I wanted he freaked out. He started crying and begging me not to do this to him. When I wouldn't change my mind he became furious. He yelled at me and came to me in a threatening way. At that point I actually thought he was going to hurt me physically, but luckily Brianna and Jenna came in as they have a key to my place. They helped me kick him out and when he was finally gone, we looked at each other and I just started shaking uncontrollably. They held me until I calmed down a bit and they asked me if I really wanted to keep him in my life.
I always told myself, if a guy acts out in a way that scares me, I was going to completely cut him out of my life.
So I texted Shane:
Please don't ever contact me again, we are done and I don't want to see you anymore. Nobody treats me the way you did. Goodbye.

Please don't do this to me, you mean everything to me. I can't live without you. I'm so sorry for how I acted, you just hurt me. I'll never do it again. Please give me another chance.

I decided not to reply as I didn't want to give him anymore time and energy.
The girls and I ordered some Chinese food and talked about the past months.
Looking back there were so many red flags. He got extremely jealous and controlling. He tried to keep me away from the people I love. And in hind sight I think his brother wasn't warning me not to break Shane's heart. He was warning me to watch out for Shane.

Brianna and Jenna decided they would stay the night because I was still a bit shaky.
My phone kept buzzing from messages Shane send me, but I decided to ignore them.
Jenna however took my phone and read them all. He started out pleading and begging, but after a while the messages became more threatening.

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