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Daniel and Michael aren't back when I come in, so I just start rummaging through the kitchen to find everything I need.
I've got chicken, brown rice, avocado and some other things that were on the menu so I can make sure he gets in the nutrients he needs.
I found fresh mint in the store as well, because I know he likes mint tea.

While I'm cooking I put on music. I really can't function without music in my life, so whenever I cook or clean I listen to music. But to be honest I listen to music whenever I can.
So as I'm in the kitchen cooking and dancing at the same time the door opens and Daniel and Michael walk in.

"Hey there guys! You both still alive?" Daniel walks up to me and gives me a sweet kiss.
"Hey babe. Sorry I'm sweaty, but I'll take a shower after lunch. It looks and smells really nice."
"Let's hope it tastes just as nice, handsome. Sit down it's pretty much done. So perfect timing." Seeing him post work out is definitely a sight for sore eyes. I might have to join him for that shower later.

"Thanks for inviting me Skylar, it's really nice of you." Michael says as he sits down.
"No problem. I mean if I want to know anything embarrassing about Danny I think you'd be the perfect person to interrogate. You guys know each other so well."
Daniel looks up and smiles,"don't you dare tell her embarrassing things about me."
Michael laughs and says,"I won't". But then he winks at me and looks at Daniel with an innocent look in his eyes.
Daniel rolls his eyes,"sure you won't."

I love the banter between them. It just feels like brothers having a go at each other.
I fill up the plates and put them in front of Dan and Michael. "Enjoy boys. I hope I won't give you food poisoning."
They both look at their plates a bit scared and then start to laugh. "Well it looks fine by me, so let's see about the taste."
"So did you have a good work out?" I ask.
"Yeah we did. It's good to be getting ready for the race." 
"When are you going to Italy?" I take a bite out of the food and it's actually pretty good. I'm proud of myself.
"Well if you want then WE will go on Tuesday? Because we have media day Thursday, and maybe Wednesday after I finish with some meetings with the team we can do something together." He seems to be enjoying the food, but he looks a bit anxious to find out what I'll do. "I do have to be honest. Racing weekends are extremely busy and I won't have that much time to spend with you. But we will have the evenings and nights together. That is. If you will go with me. And I kinda hope you will."

I look at him while I pretend to think about it.
"I totally understand that. I'm sure those weekends are insane and everybody wants something from you. I would love to go, but I don't want to distract you or anything or get in anybodies way."
Daniel finishes his lunch,"This was amazing babe. You can cook for me anytime. And about distracting me. I don't get distracted very easily when I'm with the team and in the car. So don't worry about that. And you won't get in the way, there are special guests in the garage all the time. You can be one of them. But then my special guest."

"Well why don't we just give it a try. I would absolutely love to see the action from up close. Experience everything during a race weekend. And I'm not one of those dependent, clingy women that needs to be around a guy all the time. I can entertain myself. So ok I'll go with you."

We're all done so I start to clean up the plates.
While I'm in the kitchen Daniel asks me about my morning.
"I went for a walk after I finished shopping and I decided to go to the beach. It was so lovely, the water was chilly but I didn't mind it. Oh and I called my doctor and he told me I can do any physical exercise I want I just have to listen to my body. He did advise me not to go bungee jumping yet. But other then that I got the green light." I wink at Daniel. And he immediately understands what I mean, by the looks of the redness of his cheeks.
"That's good to hear, so tomorrow you can work out with us?" He asks hoping Michael didn't understand the underlying meaning of my words.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now