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Back at the track we have breakfast again before Daniel and Michael get to work. After a couple of hours they come back to have lunch. I've been walking around a bit talking to a lot of people.

Right now I am at the hospitality chatting with Charlotte after Daniel goes back to the team before FP2
"So where are you going after this weekend?" I ask her. "Will you be in Miami as well?"
"Oh yes, I don't want to miss the first race in Miami and well... it's Miami." Charlotte laughs.
"Well yeah I've never been there so I'm stoked to go there." I tell her. "Daniel is hoping we can go to Beverly Hills after this weekend first. He wants to show me his house there."

"Oh that would be nice. Hopefully the team can let you guys go." She finishes her drink and we go to the garage because the second practice will start soon.
Unfortunately this practice, Daniel can't even get in the car because of some problems. So that sucks, because now they only have Landos data and he doesn't really get a good lap either.
Hopefully everything will be fixed for the sprint in a few hours.

The team has to talk about what's going on so I decide to wander around a bit and outside I bump into Shayla again.
"Hey there, how are you today? And how are you enjoying yourself so far?" I ask her.
Her face is glowing with excitement, "this is absolutely the best weekend I've ever had. I'm so thankful that you and Daniel set us up to experience all this."
I give her a hug, because she is so adorable in her enthusiasm, "I didn't do anything, but I'll tell Daniel you said thanks."

She smiles, "that would be great, I'm going to buy my dad a little present." And she quickly takes off.
I shake my head, she's so sweet how she wants to make her dad happy.
I should get something for my parents and my brother as well. My brother is a big Lewis fan and my dad is more a Max fan. That is always a lot of fun if we watch races together.
I decide to get them both a cap and hopefully I can ask Lewis and Max to sign them so I can send them over.

I make my way to the shops behind the paddock and get them both a cap.
There's a guy in there who laughs when he sees what I'm getting, "Damn girl, dating Daniel and buying merch from his competition?"
I shrug, "yeah well, my brother and dad aren't dating him."
"I sure hope not." He laughs.
I pay and then get back to the paddock to see if I can find Max and Lewis real quick.

Max is talking to Kelly and they both spot me in front of the garage.
"Hey Sky, are you looking for somebody?" Max asks me.
"Yeah you, look I don't want to bother you, but can I maybe ask a small favor?" I give him my sweetest smile.
"Well if you look at me like that, sure. What can I do for you?" He wants to know.

"I bought my dad a cap and I would really appreciate it if you could sign it. He's a big fan." I turn a bit red, because I really don't like asking for things.
"Why did you buy one, I could have given you one, we've got loads. But let me have it I'll sign it for him." He shakes his head thinking about me buying a cap.
"I'm not going to ask you for a cap, that's just not me." I shrug.
"Silly girl, next time please just ask me for one. Or anything else ok? I could hook you up with loads of merch for your dad." He tells me while he signs the cap.

"Well I'm not going to spoil him all in once. Might as well surprise him every now and then with something. But thanks for offering. I'll try to think about it next time." I wave the cap to let the ink dry faster, "I really appreciate this Max. Good luck with the sprint later."
"No problem. See you later!" He hugs me and I say goodbye to Kelly.
Now on my way to the Mercedes garage which is right next to the Red Bulls.
I do see George, but not Lewis.
"Hey there George, how are you feeling?" I ask when I walk up to him.
"Sky! Nice to see you, I'm good, looking forward to the sprint. And you? How is your day going?" We hug as well. These guys are really so nice.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now