Back in the UK

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After a short wait I finally see the door to the back room open and Daniel sticks his head through. He smiles, but I can tell he's very disappointed.
"Ah there you are, I've been looking for you." He walks up to me and I pull him in a loving embrace.
"Yeah I thought I'd just wait here until you were done with everything. How are you? Or is that a stupid question?" I ask him.

"It's not, I'm alright I guess, it just sucks big time. I could have finished in points you know." He sighs.
"I know. Your start was fantastic. I think that curb caused you to slide a bit and then you and Carlos made contact. It was just really unfortunate and bad luck." I really want to make him feel better.
"It's really nice to hear you talk about this. I can tell you know what you're talking about." He seems proud.
"Well I have been watching this sport since I was a kid, so I'm not new in this. But I've never experienced it from this close and with somebody I love in a car." I run my hands through his messed up hair.

"Even though I'm very disappointed and a bit upset that it ended like this. Having you here makes it a lot better." He puts his forehead against mine.
"I'll be here for you every time. When you have good days and when you have crap days. I'm here. You can let go of all your frustrations if you need to with me. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I move my head and softly press my lips on his. He wraps his arms around me and holds me so tightly as if he never wants to let me go.

"Guys let's go eat, before we go to the airport." Michael walks in, "oh for real! Get a room you two."
I start laughing, "we are in a room, you just forgot to knock."
He shakes his head, "I'm going to wash my eyes now. But for real are you coming or what?"
"Yeah sure we're coming." Daniel answers and I could really do with some food before we get on the plane.
"Come on babe, let's eat and then head to the airport." I take his hand and we go to the hospitality. The entire team is there and everybody is gushing over Landos podium.

I look at Daniel to see how he's coping and the beautiful person he is, he has a smile on his face and goes to Lando to congratulate him. I follow and give Lando a hug, I'm really happy for him of course. He did very good and got a bit lucky that Charles made such a big mistake.
"Congratulations little brother. You did really good today." I tell him while I hug him.
"Thanks sis, but if Charles hadn't fucked up I wouldn't have been up there at all." He says realistically.

"Doesn't matter, you didn't fuck up, so you took podium, just be proud of yourself. You deserve it." I rub my hand through his hair messing it up.
"Sky really! Now my hair is all messed up!" He tries to act like he's mad at me. But fails.
"See you in a bit, I'm hungry. Come on babe, let's get something to eat." Daniel and I go to the buffet to choose something.

After the meal a lot of people head to the airport. I've texted Jenna that we'll be sleeping in my home tonight and she decided to go to her own place. I'll tell her she can take over my contract tomorrow when I'm going to meet up with her and Brianna as Daniel has to go to the MTC.
The flight goes smoothly and within a few hours we land in the UK. Of course there's a car available and Daniel let's me drive again. These roads I know so before we know it we park in front of my house.

"Welcome to my home babe. It's nothing compared to your apartment, but it has been home for me for the last couple of years." I open the door to let Daniel in and it feels so crazy having him here. Jenna has definitely taken good care of it, my plants even survived.
I quickly go through my mail and put the bills I have to pay on the side. That is going on my to do list for tomorrow as well.
I texted my parents, but they actually left for their cruise yesterday, so we won't be able to see them.
"So how many days to you have to go to the MTC this week?" I ask Daniel. So I can make a planning around it.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now