Sight seeing.

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Skylars pov:

After I leave Daniel with Michael for their training I head upstairs again, because I realize I forgot my sunglasses. I quickly take them and head down.
I grab my phone to text Jenna and Brianna to let them know how I'm doing.

Hey girls, just wanted to let you know I'm doing very well. Just about te head out into Monaco to get some groceries. Daniel is amazing, he's so sweet and caring. Last night some of the other guys came over and after a game of truth or dare I've told them my story. It was good to talk about it.
Hope you are also doing good. Miss you and love you loads.

J: So good to hear from you. Sounds like everything is going really well. Really happy for you. We will have to call soon because we want all the juicy details. Love you.

B: I'm glad you are doing good and that he is treating you well. Take care and we will call soon. Want to know everything. Love ya!

I check my phone to see where the nearest supermarket and and I find out it's only a short walk. With a little help from my gps I find it and I love seeing the different things they sell here compared to the UK. I take my time to find everything I need. I'm not really sure when Daniel has to leave for Italy so I'm not going to take too much. With two paper bags I leave the store and walk back to the building. I really want to do a bit of sight seeing as this shopping trip took me way less time then I thought it would. So I decide to put away the groceries and then go for a walk to explore a bit.

I'm in the elevator going back down. On the 3rd floor it stops and the doors open.
When I look up to see who just got in I can see its Kelly. Max's girlfriend.
I smile at her,"Hi, good morning!"
She looks at me confused, obviously she doesn't know me and I greet her as if we do know each other.
"Hello, good morning. Are you new here, I've never seen you before?" She asks a bit weary.
"You could say that yeah. I'm staying with Daniel. He invited me over. I'm Skylar." I answer.
Her face lights up."Oooh Max told me about you."
"Yeah I met Max last night when him and the other guys came over." I'm pretty curious what he told her about me. But I'm not going to ask.
"He said you were Dutch? Or that you spoke Dutch."
"Yeah I'm a born Dutchie, but I've lived in the UK since I was 11." I explain.
"So you're a friend of Daniel?" She asks.
I feel I'm blushing a bit,"Yeah, something like that."
I can see her raising an eyebrow. "Ahuh, ok. So where are you going? Have you been here before?"
I shake my head,"nope first time. I was just heading out to go for a walk and explore a bit. Daniel is training with Michael, so I've got some time to wander around by myself."
"I'm sure you'll love it. How long are you staying?" I can tell she still isn't sure about what to think of me.
"Depends, I might join Daniel to Italy for the race. But that's not 100% sure yet. We'll see." The elevator reaches ground floor so we get out.
"Hm ok, well I just think you should know, Daniel doesn't need some fan girl messing with his personal life, so if that's what you're here for you might want to reconsider." She looks at me with one hand in her side.
"Wow, I don't know what Max told you, but I'm not like that. Yes I'm a long time fan, but I'm not here to mess with his personal life. I truly care about him as a person. So thanks for the warning, but you've got the wrong idea about my intentions." I decide to head out because I don't need her judging me.

Obviously I understand where she is coming from. She is from a racing family, so she grew up with the life around it. And as Max his girlfriend I can not imagine all the crap she probably already has had poured out over her.
I calm down a bit and realize she is just looking out for Daniel. I hope I will see her again soon so we can talk a bit and she can get to know me.

I spot the pizza place across the street. Ok good to know they are really very near by.
I put in my headphones to listen to some music while I'm walking around.
Now all I need to decide is where I'm going. I think the beach isn't very far away so let's try that.

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