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We walk in the baby store we visited once before. First we decide to go to the floor where we saw all the nurseries.
As we walk around checking out the cribs, a employer of the store comes to us.
"Good morning, can I help you with anything?"
"We're just doing some shopping for the nursery and other things we will need." I tell him.
"Is it your first?" We both nod.

"And are you having a boy or girl?"
"We don't know. It will be a surprise. But we know what kind of nursery we want." Daniel shows him the picture.
"Alright, well if you give me a list of things you need I can get everything sorted and you can just sit back and relax."
I give him a puzzled look, "sorry?"
"Yeah we can do all the shopping for you, it's something the store offers for VIP clients."

Ok now I get it. He sees Daniel, he knows who he is and he thinks we don't want to do our own shopping.
"No thanks, we would like to choose ourselves." Daniel replies. I give him a thankful look.
As if we are going to let somebody else pick the stuff we want for our baby.
"Very well, we can order that tree for you if you like, we don't have it here, but that's no problem. It will be hand made for you if you have the measurements of the room."

We did measure everything this morning, so we give him that information and he goes to the office to put that order in.
We eventually choose a white crib, a white changing table which also has drawers to put clothes and diapers in with forest green door knobs.
Also we get a bigger closet with the same colors as the changing table for the rest of the clothes and blankets.

We then get a playpen and a mobile to put up above the crib.
The bigger furniture will be delivered this weekend, we do take a mattress, blankets, sheets and a lot more clothes. Also bibs, pacifiers and bottles end up in our cart.
Daniel decides he wants to get diapers and wipes, even though we won't be needing them for months.

"Eh ok what size should we get?" He asks when we are in front of the diaper aisle.
"I think we should start with newborn." I say and Daniel starts to load the cart. "Wait not so much, just 2 packs to start with, maybe we'll have a giant baby and he won't even fit them."

"Our baby is not going to be a giant. She will be just a little one. I'm sure of it." But he does put back some packs.
We don't have to get a babymonitor anymore, because we got one from Michelle, but I am looking at the breast pumps while Daniel arranges everything for the delivery of the furniture. I just have no idea which one is the right one.
"I can recommend that electric one. It's much easier and faster than the hand pumps."
A woman carrying a small baby stands next to me and she noticed my confusion.

"Thank you. There are so many different ones." I laugh.
"Yeah if I were you I would take the double one, that also saves a lot of time. You'll feel like a dairy cow at first, but at least the father can take over some feeds." She is patting her babies back, when it starts to stir a bit.
"Your baby is adorable. How old is she?" By the looks of the pink outfit I think it's safe to assume it's a girl.
"She's 8 weeks tomorrow." She looks down at her little girl.
"How far along are you?" She asks me.

"20 weeks coming Sunday." I rub my bump automatically.
"Oh halfway there, that's nice. That means you've passed the most scary period."
I nod, this time has been so different than the first time. It will be my due date for the first pregnancy soon, that will be a weird day I think. But luckily we'll have something positive to look forward to.
"You've lost a baby once haven't you? She suddenly asks.

"I have Yeah, how did you know?"
I see her smile sadly.
"I saw that look on your face. This little one is our first after 3 miscarriages. I know that look, I've seen it in the mirror plenty of times. You're glad this time things are going well, but you can't help to think about the ones that you lost."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now