Destination unknown.

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I feel like I've only slept for 2 minutes when the alarm goes off. "Why did we have to fly in the middle of the night again?" I moan against Daniels chest.
"Because it's a long flight." Daniel yawns and runs his hand over my back. "Come on baby, let's get up. You can sleep on the plane."
I protest a bit, but I'm also pretty curious to see where we are going, as Daniel won't tell me anything.
"How long?" I try to get some more info.
"Long enough, I'm not telling you anything, so you might as well stop trying." He turns on the light and I plunge my face into the pillow to protect my eyes.

"I hate you."
"No you don't you love me."
"You're right, I really do. I mean look at what I sacrifice for you. Hours and hours of sleep." I get up squeezing my eyes against the bright light.
"Yeah maybe, but you get amazing sex in return." He smirks and I throw a pillow at him, but I miss because my eyes still aren't used to the light.
He comes over to me and grabs my hands to pull me up. "You look adorable when you pretend to be mad at me." He gives me a kiss on the nose, I know he only does that because he likes the way my nose crinkles when he does it.
"I don't think I could ever be mad at you." I tell him, "so where are we going again?"
"Nice try, it's not working. Now come on get some clothes on that delicious body of yours." He smacks my ass when I walk by him to go to the bathroom.

"My revenge will be sweet." I look back at him with a semi angry look.
"I'm counting on it." He winks and starts to get dressed.
This man is impossible, but holy mother of something I love him so much.

Daniel could use a company car again, so we don't have to call a taxi in the middle of the night.
There absolutely no traffic on the road, because well, nobody is as crazy as us to be up at this time of night.
We arrive at the airport and Daniel parks the car at the same spot as he did the Saturday we left for Monaco. We go to the same place as we did then and the plane is already waiting for us to board.
When we get in I see the door that leads to the back office and I get very vivid memories of how we spend some time in there a few days ago.
I bite my lip looking at the door and Daniel spots it.
"Good memories huh?" He gives me a smirk and I start to blush.
"Very good, but some things are a bit blurry, so I might need a reminder." I let the tip of my tongue lick my lips while looking up at him.

"Shit woman, you always fill my head with very naughty things I want to do to you." His eyes have turned a few shades darker.
"Well don't worry, I won't turn you down." I sit down but I keep looking at him.
He sits besides me, because he knows I'm always a bit nervous for a flight. And when he says it's going to be a long on it makes me even more anxious.

"Could you please tell me how long this flight will be. I promise I won't try to find out where we're going. Is it a lot longer than Monaco or Italy?" He can tell I'm getting nervous.
"It is, but don't worry baby. I'm not leaving your side and you can squeeze my hand as much as you need." He offers me his hand and I quickly hold it.

The captain tells us through the intercom that we are about to take off and I take a deep breath.
His thumb rubs over my skin and he keeps talking to me to comfort me. I hope I'll get used to this, because being with him means a lot of flying.
When we are high enough we can take off the seat belts and I decide to walk around a bit.
"Do you want something to drink baby? We have one flight attendant on board to give us anything we need." Daniel asks when he sees me pacing around.
"You would think I could use a bit of alcohol right?" I smile, "I would like some water, but if I know where it is I can get it myself."

"Yeah no, because then I think Adam will kill us. He never lets anybody near the food and drinks." Daniel almost looks afraid of this Adam.
"Sorry what? Adam is the flight attendant I assume?" I am a bit confused
"He is and he is very protective over 'his' plane. He really doesn't want anybody to disturb his organized cart so if you want anything I'll call for him." Daniel presses the button and almost immediately the curtain in the front opens and a young man comes up to us.
"Mr Ricciardo, Miss Hayes, welcome a board, what can I get you?" He asks with a big smile.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora