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Mick and I reach the table where we find the other (ex) F1 drivers in different states of intoxication.
"Baby, we're playing a game." Daniel shouts, he definitely had enough to drink, but I just shake my head. He'll regret it in the morning, but then I won't feel sorry.
"Yeah Valtteri already said something like that, what kind of game?" This will be hilarious as I'm the only one who can't drink.

"It's a drinking game!" David then adds.
"Jeez I would have never guessed that. Which drinking game and why do you think I can join?" I ask them, looking around, I think besides me and Mick, Seb might be the least drunk so far.
"Seb? Dare to elaborate?"
"Well up to now we were playing shot roulette, Mika here thought of something else, but we need you for that." He says, making me raise my eyebrows.
"Ok...for what?"

"One of us will whisper a question in your ear, like who is the most sexy? Then you point at the person you feel is the answer of the question and if that person wants to know what the question was, he has to drink." He explains.
It sounds pretty hilarious, because in their state I have an idea on what kind of questions might be thrown at me and I wouldn't have to drink.

"Right, you know what, let's give it a go. But if you ask questions like who is the most sexy, Daniel will be wasted by the end of it and I have to figure out how to get him to our room, so try to come up with questions that might have different answers." I mean I can't exactly carry him to bed, but he might end up sleeping on the sofa in our hotel suite.
"Nah we won't, Mick you in or out?" David asks him.

Mick puts a glass in front of him and fills it. "I'm in!"
I think Jamie will be very happy she has already gone up to her room and for a second I think I should have done the same, but I'm here now, I might as well have some fun.
Mick starts, his mouth close to my ear, "Who should win the ROC?" Ok this question is pretty innocent. I point at Seb, who looks at my face for a bit, but I try to keep it as neutral as I can.
Still his curiosity wins, so he takes the shot.
"He wanted to know who should win the ROC." I tell him, making the other guys protest.

I walk to Mika who's next in line. "So what do you want to know?"
Mika grins, a very drunk grin I must add as he whispers in my ear, "who has the biggest cock?" My eyes open wide and I laugh, how the fuck should I know? I do know how big Daniels is, so with a smirk I point at him.
He immediately takes the shot, as he can tell from my face it is a more adult question.
"She thinks you have the biggest cock!" Mika shouts, causing a smug look on Daniels face.

"I have no idea about the rest now do I?" I think Daniel didn't think about that and his smug smile disappears.
"Oh right, you've only seen mine."
As I walk towards him I give him a kiss, "I know, but I still think you'd win." Again causing a wave of protest coming from the other guys.
"Do you want to compare?" Valtteri asks.
"I'd rather not, I've already seen your ass and David's a couple of times, that was more than enough. I don't need to see the front of any of you." Hinting to the Drive to Survive episode of Valtteri in a sauna and David who was on a nude beach and put that on social media.

It's Daniels turn to ask me a question, but he first decides to press his lips on mine in a drunken kiss, still very hot though and I can feel the desire starting to burn in the inside of me.
"Enough of that, ask her something." David shouts, so Daniel puts his mouth against my ear, his hot breath cause shivers to run down my spine.
"Who besides me, has the best looks?" Hmm difficult one, I think Seb is very handsome, with his piercing blue eyes, his gorgeous smile and scruffy beard. Mick is also a very cute guy, also stunning blue eyes, a sweet smile, he's more boyish handsome as to where Seb is manly and hot.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now