I'm coming

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I know you guys are waiting for the baby, but I promise you the wait is almost over. Leave a comment please. I really love them.

When Daniel gets home that evening he is definitely sore and a bit bruised, but other than that he's perfectly fine. The scans showed no injuries so he was soon able to get back to the garage.
Apparently Stroll thought he could out brake them, but he hit the curb which caused his car to become uncontrollable and he crashed into both Red Bulls.
It was a reckless move and he got penalized 3 places grid penalty for the race in Monaco and 2 license points.

The last week I've been nesting like crazy. I think I've checked if we have enough clothes, nappies and wipes a hundred times. I've bought formula and bottles just in case the breastfeeding doesn't go as planned. Claire expects it to work out just fine as I am still leaking as soon as I hear a baby crying.
At least it won't be because I don't produce milk. I'm just now hoping that I can get peanut to latch on properly, but she told me she would help if we struggled with that.

Daniel has rented a yacht for a night, to have a sort of small getaway before we are no longer a family of 2. We didn't go out on the water too far, but it was nice to be together and out of the house. Even though I was very happy to be back as well.
Normally I love to go out and do things outside, but right now I just feel most comfortable in my own safe space.
Luckily Daniel understands and he keeps me company when he's not working with Michael.

It's now Friday and he's away for free practice at the circuit. But because it's the Monaco Grand Prix he's very close by. I've been feeling very good, there are no signs of peanut coming at all, so I've been watching Daniel in the car on tv and in the mean time I'm preparing for dinner.
I'm actually a bit bored and I really miss being in the paddock. I can see a bit of the action when I look out of the window, but I miss the energy that hangs around in the garage, the smells and sounds of the cars.

So when Daniel comes home we sit down for dinner, "I'm coming with you tomorrow." I just throw at him.
He almost chokes in his food, "you're joking right? You're due in 2 days and you want to come to the paddock with me?"
I nod, "yeah I really miss it and the guys as well. I just want to be there tomorrow. I won't come Sunday, but tomorrow should be fine."
"But what if your contractions start or your water breaks? I don't think I want peanut to be born in the paddock."

I laugh, "Babe, we're like a couple of blocks away from home, if things start we can be home in no time. But I don't think he's coming tomorrow. I think he'll come after the weekend." I can't explain why, but I'm sure he's not coming tomorrow.
"Shit baby, I don't know, are you really sure?" He dropped his fork and looks at me as if I just grew another head.
"I'm sure, please can I come tomorrow? I'll take it easy, but I need this. I know I have preferred to stay home lately, but I really want to be with you tomorrow."

He sighs and I know he's giving in.
"Fine, but if you feel anything, even if it's just a fart that won't come out, you're going home."
"Ok, but I'll be fine." I laugh and I feel so happy. Tomorrow I'll be part of the action again.
So many of the guys have been texting to ask if anything is happening yet, especially the last couple of days, so if I'm there tomorrow they can see I'm still fat and waddling.

After a good nights sleep, something that is pretty rare these days, as I just can't find a comfortable sleeping position, I'm up early to get ready for the day.
I decide to put the hospital bags in my car, just for Daniels reassurance.
He actually has to slow me down as I'm so excited to get going.
When it's finally time to go we make our way out and he drives us to the circuit.
We make sure there a police car that is on stand by just in case we need them to escort us home.

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