Open Mic

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We are allowed to use the back door to go to the bar. We find a spot a bit on the side. Charles goes to get us something to drink, I'm just going for the non alcoholic options now. Two cocktails were enough for one night.

At the moment there's a guy on the stage who sounds alright, he's trying to sound a bit like Lewis Capaldi, but he's just not really succeeding. But hey as long as he is enjoying himself I think.
I decide to quickly get my phone to send messages to my parents and Bri and Jenna.
When I want to unlock it I can see my entire lock screen has exploded with texts and notifications.
First things first let's gets these texts out, before my parents will disown me for not telling them first.

'Hey mom and dad. I'm sure you've already heard, but me and Daniel are together. I did not expect this to happen when I had the tour at McLaren, but we both just fell for each other, hard. I'm sorry you probably heard it through social media, but things have been a bit crazy, so I just didn't get a chance to talk to you first.
I hope you'll get to meet him soon, you're going to love him.
I'll try to call you tomorrow. Love you both!'

Ok that's mom and dad, now let's see what Bri and Jenna have been sending me, because our group app has blown up.

J: 'What the actual fuck Sky! You and Daniel are seriously together and you didn't even call us before it got online! I'm not mad, I'm just pissed that I still haven't heard any juicy details yet.'

I smile, because I know she is really extremely happy for me, but she always just wants to know everything.
I text her back: 'I'm sorry I haven't told you in person, things just got a bit crazy. You'll hear everything soon ok. Well maybe not everything. But what you need to know, you will know.

Then I see what Bri has texted me.
B: So ok obviously I'm extremely happy for you, but he still has to be approved by us. So I hope we will get the chance to interrogate him soon, we need to know if he will be able to support you and what his intentions are. (I'm joking of course. You lucky bastard)

I laugh out loud and Daniel looks at me questioning. "What's so funny?"
I show him the texts and he also laughs. "I guess I will have to prove I have good intentions and that I'm worthy."
"I'll text that back then, although I know they both will love you, because you make me happy. That's all they want for me." I quickly reply to Bri and then as I want to put away my phone Daniel pulls me in his lap.
"We need a selfie first." He says as he takes my phone and opens the camera.
"Ok fine, a normal one or a crazy one?" I ask him.
"Both, first normal, then crazy."

So I lean back against him and we both look at the screen of my phone. As he is about to press the button to take the picture, I quickly turn my hand and stick out my tongue. It looks like I'm about to lick his face and his expression is hilarious.
"Oh you sneaky little... Ok another one, this time a cute one ok!" He shakes his head and we look at the phone again. This time I don't do anything so we actually take a really nice picture.
"Ok cute, you can send it to your friends and parents. So they can see I'm taking good care of you." He says and I send them, just to my parents and the girls.
That should keep them happy for a while.

I kinda like sitting on his lap and as I sip from my non alcoholic cocktail I relax against his body and lay my head on his shoulder.
We listen to a new singer on the stage, but this one is even worse than the one before.
I decide to tease Daniel a bit and I start to place soft kisses in his neck.
"What are you doing?" He whispers but I can tell he likes it because he licks his lips and there is something definitely moving underneath me.
"I need something to ease the pain of me having to listen to this guy on stage." I whisper in his ear and then I gently nibble his ear lobe.
His breathing gets a bit shaky and he is moving around on the couch we are on. With one hand he is trying to adjust his pants to make it more comfortable.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now