Be happy

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I would absolutely love if readers would comment on this part. I really want to know what you think about it so far.
Also I can't believe I've passed 17500 views. Thanks so much!

The days fly by. We work hard, but because it's quite hot we do most work in the mornings which gives us time to explore and relax during the afternoons. We swam in the lake a couple of times and it wasn't as scary as I expected. We even went swimming with the horses. Daniel had to jump off Buck at one point, because Buck decided it would be nice to roll in the water. It's a good thing he didn't have his saddle on.

At one moment we went to town together. When we were going to check out some items we bought in a clothing store, we saw the blonde girl who was hitting on Daniel in the bar, working behind the till.
Her face turned a deep red and she barely spoke two words to us.
We had dinner in a steakhouse in that same town, which is pretty much the only town close enough.
Daniel hasn't been this relaxed in such a long time, he gets good nights sleep and with all the fresh air I can tell he feels really good.

We only have two more days here, we've already done all the jobs that were planned for today. So now we are riding Buck and Rain to have some time together again. We're talking about the farewell party they have planned tomorrow. Devon wil do his magic at the barbecue and I just know Daisy will spend all day in the kitchen making way too much food.

"I'm really looking forward going to LA for a week and then home before we have to go to Spa. But I'm going to miss this place like crazy." I tell Daniel when we reach the lake.
"I know me too. I feel so relaxed and ready for the second half of the season. Even if I don't get the results I would want, I don't think it's going to bother me that much. I'm sure we're going to come back here again." We tie the horses up in the shade and sit down next to a tree.
"I really hope so. I just hope Alex and Daisy won't retire for a while. It won't be the same with different owners." I look at the gorgeous mountains in the distance.

"Depends on the owner." I hear Daniel say. "It could be us."
I've just taken a sip of my water which goes down the wrong way.
I start coughing and Daniel quickly pats my back.
"Sorry what did you just say?" I manage to ask when I stop coughing.
"What if we buy the ranch? You love this place and it would be great for when I retire F1." He's actually serious about this.
"But what about your family in Australia? I thought we would go there. If we were to buy this place we couldn't just pack up and go on holiday down under or to Monaco." This is crazy, it's sweet, but crazy.

"I thought this was your dream life?" I think he expected me to immediately go for it.
"It is, but I don't know if I want to raise our future kids in the States. Our friends and families are in Monaco, England and Australia. Don't you think we would want to be able to visit them whenever we want?"

"Well yeah, but if we would have great managers they could run the place when we're not here." He's seriously considering this.
"I don't know babe. This must cost a fortune."
"It's not that much and we can afford it." He says triggering something in me.
"No, you can afford it. I most certainly can't." I realize I've said something wrong as soon as I see his face.
"I already told you before, what's mine is yours. You know I want to marry you someday, so everything I own, will be yours anyways. You really have to let go of the thought that the money I have is just mine, because it's not."

"I know you feel that way, I just find it difficult still to comprehend that. And you buying me a necklace is a bit easier to wrap my head around then buying a freaking ranch." I get up and walk over to Rain. Hiding my face against her neck.
Even though I really do love this place, I don't know if I would want to own it.
"I know your heart is in the right place with this idea, but I really need time to think about it. It's not like they are selling right now, so we don't have to decide yet." I say after leaning against Rain for a while.
"I do wish we would have the time and space for her, I would love to buy her with the money I got from Mercedes. But now is not the right time." I have to be realistic about this, even if it's going to break my heart leaving her behind.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now