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'Oh my god 5000 views on my story. Thanks so much. I have been struggling a bit with this part, but there is definitely some drama on the way. Please leave a comment or vote, I love to hear peoples opinions. Just don't destroy me please.'

May 4th

When Daniel goes out with Michael for his work out I decide to take it easy for a bit. It will be a long day and I don't want to fall asleep during dessert tonight. Daniel ordered breakfast from roomservice and he even made them add tea with honey.
He really is such a caring guy, I really hope we can maybe go to Australia during winter break, I would love to see him with his niece and nephew.
Although winter break is still many months away, I really hope we can visit his family then. I've also never been to Australia, but it would be nice going there for a couple of weeks. Maybe celebrate Christmas in Perth.
We'll just have to see and discuss it, because I don't know what he wants. Although I do know that he wants to go home again for a bit longer then just for the race in Melbourne.

Daniels POV:

"So you'll be there tonight right? And Blake?" I ask Michael while we are running through Miami.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world and neither does Blake." Michael smiles. "She's gonna nail it tonight."

"She will." I know he can tell by my face how proud I am of her. "I asked the hotel if we could use the conference room, because if a lot of the guys want to see as well my phone is definitely not big enough to see anything on."
"I'm glad they can arrange that. It will almost be like we're there." He looks at me with a bit of a worried face, "are you ok with the fact she will go there with Lewis?"
I raise my eyebrow, "sure why wouldn't I be? I can't be there and he is, so at least she'll have a friend who supports her. And Angela as well, so I'm glad she doesn't have to do it alone."

"Yeah that's true, but you know Lewis is a charming guy and good looking. And I'm sure he also sees how stunning Sky is."
I stop running. "Mate first of all, I'm the best looking guy on the grid." I hear Michael snort because he tries not to laugh at me. "Second, I trust her and third, Lewis is a decent guy. He is not going to make a move on her, because he knows she loves me and I love her. If she was a single girl, I'm sure he would. But she's not, so he won't try anything."

We start walking again. "Of course I would have loved to be there, but it's a Merc party so I can't. I just hope she enjoys herself and shows how amazing she is to everybody there."
"She will and I'm sorry I know she loves you and she wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Michael apologizes and we start running again.

When we get back at the hotel it's already end of the morning. Only a few hours left until Skylar will be in hair and make up to get ready for the night.
I go into the room and I see Skylar standing in front of the window in just some shorts and a vest. She didn't even hear me come in, she looks like she is completely in her own mind.
"Hey sweetheart, you ok?" At least now she knows I'm here and I didn't spook her.
"Hey handsome, I'm good. How was your run?" She comes over and gives me a sweet kiss.
"It was good. Miami is always great. What have you been up to so far?" I sit down on the couch that is in the room and she sits next to me with her legs on my lap.

"I haven't done much yet, just had breakfast and I have been thinking about us and winter break. It's still so far away, but it just crossed my mind."
I'm so happy she also thinks far ahead, because I just know we will spend Christmas together.

"So how would you like to spend the winter break and Christmas?" I ask her.
"Well I think you would want to go to Australia right?" Her legs on my lap are a bit of a distraction, but she asked me a question so I'm trying to focus.
"I would love to, because I can show you where I grew up and introduce you to my family. How about you. Don't you want to spend Christmas with your family or friends?"

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now