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I had to stay in hospital for almost a week, before I was finally well enough to go home. I was really happy, because it was raceweek and this weekend the F1 would be at Australia which is Daniels home race for the first time since Covid. At least I would be able to watch it from home on my own tv. Slowly I was packing my stuff and all the cards and gifts I have received during my stay at the hospital. It was amazing how many people thought of me and took the time to send me something to make me feel better.
It wasn't going fast, because my wound did still hurt as it wasn't fully healed yet. But at least I was up on my feet and actually doing something myself.

My doctor came in with my discharge papers I needed to sign so I was officially going home.
"I'm glad to see you up and I hope you know how lucky you were" he said, "if the knife would have been half an inch more to the front it would have hit your aorta and you might not be here anymore".
"I know" I answered, "maybe it wasn't very smart to confront him as I did, but I was so done with being afraid that I just didn't think about what might happen." I signed the discharge papers and gave them back to the doctor.
"I just never expected him being able to hurt me like this, after all he kept telling me how much he loved me and wanted to be with me" I said.
"But what's done is done. Thanks for everything you and the rest of the staff did for me while I was here. I will forever be grateful." I thanked the doctor as I zipped up my bag.
Now all I had to do was wait for Brianna and Jenna to come pick me up.

Pretty much as soon as the doctor left, the two of them came barging in the room. "Heya Sky hope you haven't been waiting too long, we couldn't find a parking spot nearby, but we don't want you to walk all the way, so we brought a wheelchair for you" Jenna said.
"I don't need a wheelchair. I can walk just fine. I just need some help carrying my bags." I replied.
Brianna immediately protested:" You're not walking all that way, your wound hasn't healed fully yet, you are gonna sit in that chair and we are pushing you to the car".
I tried to protest, but Brianna cut me of, "sit your ass down now! We know you think you can do everything, but we are here to help you. And make sure you don't push yourself too much"
I sighed and sat down in the chair. I knew they were right, but I wasn't the type of person that wanted to depend on others to help me out.
"Ok let's get out of here!" Jenna shouted and she pushed the wheelchair out of the door.

It felt so good feeling the fresh air. It had only been a week, but if felt like much longer.
As we parked in front of my house I looked down the street where I had to fight Shane for my life. And also where he lost his. I felt sad that his obsession actually cost him his life. A lot of people got hurt because he wasn't here anymore. I felt sorry for his family and friends, but I also knew it wasn't my fault.
While I was in the hospital, a psychiatrist came to talk to me. Obviously I experienced something very traumatic and it was good talking to her.
I have always been a pretty rational thinking person, but I also never had to fight somebody for my life before.
For now I was doing ok, I had a lot of support and I also knew that I could call the psychiatrist if I ever needed to talk to her again.

Brianna and Jenna helped me settle down on the couch and made me some hot chocolate. I started to feel like myself again being in my own home, with my things and my best friends being there with me.
"So we are going to be staying with you for a while to help you out with whatever you need until you are healed" Jenna said in a way that wouldn't allow any discussion.
To be honest, I didn't really want to be completely alone yet, maybe in a couple of days, but for now I was very happy with their company.
"Ok I love you guys for staying with me and for everything you are doing for me, but you do realize this weekend is F1 and they are racing in Australia . So be prepared to watch it with me." I winked at them.
They looked at each other rolling their eyes, but then they both came over to me and gave me a hug. "We wouldn't want to miss it for the world" they both said.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt