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I don't know how long I've been asleep. But I wake up from the sounds of somebody gagging again.
This bug is a nasty one it seems. I get out of bed to find Daniel on his knees in a hateful embrace with the toilet.
"I guess the tea didn't really help." I say as I rub his back again after filling a glass of water.
He sits back, leaning against the bathtub. "It did for a few hours. You've slept for 3 hours, I'm sorry I woke you." After taking a few sips I help him up and he goes back to bed.

"It's ok, I shouldn't be sleeping all day, because that will mess up with my day and night rhythm even more." I'm so glad for now I feel absolutely fine. Except from being tired that is. But that will be sorted if I can sleep normal again for a few nights.
"I'll quickly check up on Michael and then I'm making you some water with minerals and vitamins in it."
In the other bedroom Michael is fast asleep, so that's good.

I fix Daniel the special water which he slowly drinks, I put on a movie, because it's not like we're going anywhere any time soon.
Halfway through he falls asleep and I make my way down to the restaurant to get something to eat.
I see Max walking, but when he wants to come over I shout that he should keep his distance.
"I share a room with two puking men, you'd better stay away, I don't want you to catch it as well."

It's enough to make him back up, I grab a quick lunch salad and get some fresh air. Or well fresh? Humid, hot air is more like it. But at least it's outside, it's always better than the virus filled air in the room. Even though I opened some windows to ventilate.

My eyes open wide as I wake up in the middle of the night again, but this time it's not because Daniel or Michael is sick. It's me, my stomach starts to turn and I jump out of bed to rush into the bathroom, waking Daniel up when I throw the covers off me, smacking him in the face.
"Oh no, not you as well." He follows me to hold my hair as he did so many times a couple of months ago.
"I'm so sorry baby, I really hoped you would be spared from this."

Daniel and Michael improved a lot during the afternoon and evening. Eventually they were even able to eat some broth.
My dinner ends up being flushed and I feel miserable.
So far it's just my stomach, I do hope my intestines might stay calm, but I won't get my hopes up.
The rest of the night is tough. I'm doing exactly what Daniel did the previous night, but that should mean I will be better in about 24 hours, just like him.

The next day Daniel and Michael are able to eat some light solid food again, which makes them feel a lot better. They also went for a walk, because Daniel needs to get moving, he has to get in the car in 5 days.
I'm now at the peak, making me feel like I should just put a pillow and a blanket in the bathroom as I'm not really leaving that room at all right now.
The hotel will have a massive water bill as I keep taking showers and the toilet has been flushed more in the last 24 hours then it would normally in a week I think.

After another shower I drag myself to the bed again, luckily Daniel just comes in as I am holding myself up against the wall. He quickly supports me and helps me to lay down.
"You've got it bad huh baby, try to sleep, you'll feel better then."

Unfortunately he was wrong. The next couple of days I stay poorly. Not as bad as the first 24 hours, but my stomach doesn't really settle. I am glad it's just my stomach now, I am able to eat small portions of light foods, but I keep feeling nauseous and a couple of times I still throw up.
At least I'm not sitting on the toilet ever 5 minutes anymore.
I decide to skip the Thursday evening at the paddock, Daniel only has to be at the media pen, so no press conference. And other than that he has some PR stuff to do.

Fields of Gold; Daniel Ricciardoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن