Never have I ever.

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Lando and Max put down shot glasses in front of everybody. They start with a bottle of some pink sweet smelling liquor.
As soon as all our glasses are filled Max starts off.
"Never have I ever faked an illness to get out of work." Everybody drinks except me.
"What? You haven't?" He asks.
"Well no I loved my job. I got to work with animals and their owners all day. Why would I want to get out of that?" I answer truthfully. I do miss my job, but I love my life now.

"Ok my turn. Never have I ever had feelings for anybody in this room." Lando asks and this time it's me and Daniel, Max, Kelly, Charles and Charlotte who immediately take the shot.
After 2 seconds Michael and Lewis also take the shot.
"Really Michael? Who?" I ask him and he blushes. "I might have had a crush on you at the beginning." He tells me and now I blush.
"Don't worry, I still love you, but now as a sister."

"I never knew. You hid it well. And I love you too, but you know that. Lewis what about you?" I ask after taking a sip of water, I hope I can prevent a hangover if I drink enough water in between.
Daniel gives Lewis a strange look, making me raise my eyebrow. It was just a split second, right before Lewis was going to answer the question.
I don't know what that was about, but I'm not going to ask about it. We're all having too much fun and whatever their issue is, it's not my problem right now.

"Oh ehm." He looks a bit as if he regrets taking the shot. "I might have fancied Kelly when she was still with Daniil, but that was only for a brief moment."
He quickly fills the glasses again hiding his face.
"Never have I ever been skinny dipping."

I drink as well as Daniel thinking about our little adventure in the pool in Monaco.
Nobody else drinks. "You guys are lying right?" I ask them, but they shake their heads. "I don't want to get photographed naked. Social media would go crazy." Charles explains and I can understand why they would be more careful.
"So where did you guys have your skinny dip?" Max asks.
Now it's my turn to blush, "in the pool on the roof in Monaco and here of course."
"The roof of our apartment building you mean?" Daniel and I nod. "Don't tell me you fucked in that pool. I can never go swimming there if you did."

We stay quiet. If he doesn't want us to tell then we won't.
"Oh for fuck sake." He swears, but he also smiles, so I'm sure he's not really mad.
Kelly fills the glasses again. "Never have I ever broken up with someone over text."
The boys all drink, I suddenly realize I broke up with Shane over text after kicking him out when I told him I wanted space.
So I take the shot and refill the glasses.
"You did? With who?" Lewis asks. "You don't strike me as the person who would dump somebody over text."

"I'm not. But I did with Shane. He was scaring me when I told him I needed space so I didn't dare to really end things face to face." I look at my hands. I hardly talk about Shane anymore, but I do still remember how afraid I was when he flipped out.
Daniel puts his hands on mine reassuring me and when I look up he gives me the sweetest smile.
The glasses are filled up again and there are some more innocent questions. After a few more shots the questions change into more grown up questions.

Daniel states, "never have I ever had sex outdoors where I could have been caught." Both of us downing the shot straight away with a massive grin on our faces.
"For real? Spill the tea?" Kelly wants to know and as we are all a bit tipsy Daniel tells them we has sex against the car when we were taking it back after picking up Pixie and Mason with the McLarens.
"You even passed us Lando." I giggle and his eyes almost pop out.
"What? No way! Where?" Daniel explains and Lando shakes his head.
"Damn you guys. I had no idea. You were well hidden that's for sure."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now