So much for my happy ending.

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I look outside the window where Mexico is getting smaller and smaller as the plane goes higher.
I only said goodbye to Daniel an hour ago and I already miss him so much. We've been together almost 24/7 since the day I went with him to Monaco. Only being apart when one of us was in hospital. But never more than a couple of hours or a night.

We barely slept at all last night. We dozed off a bit only to wake up and make love again. As well as this morning. I smile thinking about it. I eventually lost count of the number of times Daniel made me cum. My legs still feel a big wobbly. But I can sit for quite some time until we get back in Nice.
"Damn girl you are smiling like you had some proper sex last night." I hear Kelly, who is facing me in her seat.

"Not just last night. Daniel made sure I won't forget about him any time soon. As if I could anyways." I look at Kelly with a smug smile on my face, making her laugh out loud.
"The two of your are insatiable aren't you?" She says shaking her head, her eyes twinkling.
"We are, but Kell can you blame me. I mean come on just look at him. He's sex on legs. Those lips, especially the bottom one, they just ask to be kissed. And then his eyes, they are almost black when he's horny. Not to mention his body, I can't get enough of how it feels underneath my hands. And what he has in his pants." I bite my lip thinking about his cock and how it feels inside me.

"Is he really that big? Max told me Daniel once streaked into his dressing room and he said he was pretty jealous at what Daniel had hanging there." Kelly asks laughing and I nod with a grin.
"Oh yeah. But that's not what's important it's what he does with it. And with his hands, his fingers and then his tongue." My body shakes shortly as I feel shivers run down my spine, very good shivers.
"You lucky girl. And that man loves you to bits. I could tell he was really trying to keep a brave face when you two said goodbye."

"I know, he's just a big softy. Even more now with our peanut." I put my hand on the tiny bump Daniel saw last night.
"You'll have to be the one who sets borders with your child. Daniel will just want to spoil it rotten." Kelly laughs and I can only agree.
"I'm afraid so yeah." Thinking about it for a bit. "No he's going to be an amazing father. I can't wait to see him with our baby in his arms. I'll probably melt at the spot."

It's morning on the Tuesday when I finally open the door to our home in Monaco. I'm so glad I've been able to sleep 8 hours of the flight, because when we landed it was actually about 23.00 in Mexico, but it's 6 in the morning here in Monaco.
If I hadn't slept on the plane I would have had it rough today. I check the mail, but I don't see anything that needs to be addressed right now. Most of the bills are being paid automatically anyways, so I don't have to worry about that.
I decide to take a shower first and then I'm going to call Dr. Dubois to tell her about the pregnancy.

But first things first, I text Daniel to tell him I arrived home. He might already be asleep, but at least he'll see I've arrived safely when he wakes up.
Within 30 seconds my phone rings, as Daniel is FaceTiming me.

"Hey pretty girl, how was the flight?" I can tell he's in bed, looking rather sleepy and damn cute.
"It was good, I've slept through most of it. But that's good, because the day just started here so I don't want to go to bed now. How was your day babe!" I drop on the couch, I'll shower later.
"It was good. Done some interviews. Tomorrow we go to Brazil to film something for social media. I think some quiz or something. Have you thought about Christians offer yet?" He asks me after a big yawn.

"You should get some sleep babe. But yeah I have. I think I'll accept. It does sound like fun, but I'm going to feel so weird being in front of the camera." I'll meet up with Christian in Brazil to let him know I'll take the job.
"You'll be fine. You're with me and Max. You won't have time to think about the camera." I laugh, he might be right. I'll be too busy keeping those two sorted.
"Probably yeah. Babe I have to pee, you get some sleep ok. We'll talk tomorrow." My bladder is definitely calling for a toilet even though I already been when we arrived on the airport before getting in the taxi home.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now