Race against time

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I've had a bit of a restless night, my back has been playing up, I guess yesterday was a bit too much after all.
Eventually I decide to get up at 4 in the morning and take a warm bath, because I don't want to wake up Daniel with my tossing and turning. He's going to need his sleep more than ever for the race.
The water definitely eases the pain in my lower back, so I just soak in it for quite a while.

I notice that my bump is also quite tight the entire time, so even though I loved being at the track yesterday, I think I really shouldn't have gone. But today I stay at home, relax and then hopefully during the day it will all get back to normal.
"Today is not exactly the best day to decide to be born peanut. Daddy will be away and he has to focus on the race. So behave yourself and just wait at least until he's home." I talk softly to our baby that is still inside me, but I know that he won't be in there for much longer.

I hope maybe tomorrow, because then at least Daniel will be home and we can go through it all together.
"I am really looking forward meeting you. I hope that if you're a boy, you look like your daddy. He's so handsome, I'm sure you'll be as well. A tiny version of your dad, how cute would that be."
The water starts to cool down so I decide to get out, I my hands are all wrinkly, I've been in here so long I'm turning into a prune.

I first get on my knees, otherwise I can't get up. Then I push myself up in a squatting position before I am finally up on my feet again.
There's a slight cramping in my lower back and bump when I step out of the bath and wrap myself into a big towel.
But before I really have the time to think about it, I can feel it fade away again.
It was probably just from getting out of the tub, so I just ignore it and after putting on leggings and a oversized hoodie from Daniels Enchanté merch I go to the living room.

It's still only 5, way too early for Daniel to get up, so I head to the living room to just relax on the couch. I won't turn the tv on, because I don't want to wake him. I play some games on my phone, watch some TikTok's and suddenly I'm woken up by Daniel who is coming into the kitchen.
"Baby, what are you doing on the couch? Our bed is much better for you." He pushes some strands of hair behind my ear.

"I couldn't settle so I took a bath and then ended up here. I didn't want to wake you, but I wasn't going to sleep here either. Can you help me up?"
He takes my hands to carefully pull me up until I'm back in a sitting position.
For a minute I have to try to relax as my back cramps up again.
"You're probably aching now. The couch is no place for you to sleep on silly."
"I know, I just didn't expect to fall asleep. What do you want for breakfast?" I try to get up, but Daniel holds me back.

"You're not making breakfast. I got it. Just sit for a bit longer." He heads into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, I'm not actually hungry, but I manage to eat some toast and scrambled eggs.
"You'd better take it easy today alright?" Daniel really looks worried so I promise him I will. I can even watch the race in bed as we have a tv in the bedroom.
About an hour later Michael comes to pick him up. But Daniel decides to take the Vespa, in case he needs to come back quickly. Traffic might be a bit of a problem today with the race.

"Please be careful today, I need you back in one piece. I love you." He gives me a kiss and puts his hands in my bump.
"It's a bit tense isn't it?" He notices and I shrug.
"There's no cramping, it's just a bit tight, but I'm sure it's because of my nap on the couch. Don't worry about me I'll keep you up to date until you get in the car."

I can tell he doesn't really want to leave, but this race is more important than ever. With no points for him and Max in Italy they both need a good result today.
Michael is finally able to drag Daniel out and I sigh, I might have lied a bit. The tightness actually is a bit painful. I feel like I'll be having my period soon and I realize it might not be from my nap on the couch.
But the pain is still only a very light cramp and I don't think I can actually call this contractions.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now