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The night goes by pretty fast. When the band finishes their set. Martijn takes over and he definitely knows how to get people dancing.
I have danced with pretty much everyone, but mostly with Daniel.
After a while Lewis comes up to me.
"Sky do you have a minute? I would like to talk to you in private." I nod, "sure, let's get some fresh air."
We head out to the terrace where we sit down.
It's just us, so enough privacy.

"What's up Lewis, you look so serious." I put my hand on his, which is in the arm rest of the chair he's sitting on.
"Brianna just told me she has feelings for me."
My face lights up, that's brave of her.
"She did? that's amazing! Or well it could be, depends on how you feel about it."
"Obviously she's beautiful and she's really nice. I just don't know her that well yet. But I would like to get to know her. I just told her I need some time to get over somebody else first."
He doesn't even dare to look at me, I have no idea what's going on.

"So you already have feelings for somebody? Why didn't that work out?" I ask him. He never told me he was in love with somebody.
"For her things have worked out great, with somebody else." He says looking down at where my hand is on his.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that.... Wait in LA you said you once had a crush on Kelly, is that the girl?"
Finally he looks at me, but I see sadness in his eyes.
"No Sky it's not Kelly. It's you, I love you. From the first moment we met in that restaurant in Imola I have loved you."

My jaw drops, I don't register what he's saying.
"Wait. What? But how, why? I don't understand. You're pretty much my best friend. I thought you saw me just as a friend as well."
He shakes his head, "sorry Sky, but no. Yeah you are my friend, but if it wasn't for Daniel I would have tried to get you to be a lot more than that. But it's ok, you and Daniel are perfect together and I just want you to be happy. I just need some time to get over it before I can open up to anybody else."

I'm completely taken by surprise. This was the last thing I expected.
"I don't know what to say. You're amazing and I truly love you, but not the way you apparently love me. I really never realized that your feelings were different. What does this mean for our friendship?" I would be heartbroken if I would lose him as my friend. But I would understand if he doesn't want to hang out anymore.

"Nothing, I don't want anything to change. You'll be away for over a month and after that you're also going to visit Seb. So I won't be seeing you for quite some time. I'll get over it, once you're back I don't want you to act differently. I'll be fine ok?"
I nod, still a bit stunned.
"Ok I'll try, I just need to process this. Why tell me now?"

"Because Bri figured it out when I told her I needed some time to get over somebody. She guessed it pretty much straight away. I don't know how she will feel once I'm ready to open my heart for somebody else. I don't expect her to wait around for me. We'll just have to wait and see." The way he looks, makes me feel like he never wanted to tell me. Just because he thinks Bri might have told me he choose to say something.

"Lewis you are so special to me. I really hope we will be able to stay as close as we were. I would hate to lose you as my friend."
He stands up so I follow him.
"You won't lose me. I'll always be your friend. Nothing can change that. Just give me some time."
I nod, "sure, whatever you need. Will you still be our babies godfather?"
He looks directly into my eyes and then down to my bump, "absolutely, try to stop me."

He places his hand on my bump, before looking back into my eyes.
His face comes closer to mine and before I know it his full lips are on mine.
It's only a short, soft kiss, suddenly he pulls back and starts to walk away.
"I'll see you when you get back from Sebs. Take care." He goes back inside and I lower myself back on the chair. My fingers touching my lips where I can still feel his.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now