Breaking point.

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Suddenly my phone starts to buzz. When I check it I see it's Jenna calling me on FaceTime. I look at Daniel. "Might as well answer while we're at it." He says

I accept the call and there are Jenna and Brianna on my screen.
"Skylaaaaar hi stranger!!" They yell in the microphone.
"Yeah good morning to you to, what's up?" My ears are possibly damaged from the noise they are making.
"Not as much as with you. Have you seen it, you are all over social media and there are even gossip websites that have posted stories about you and Daniel."

"Really? I did see the social media, but I haven't looked at it further. You would think there's a lot more interesting news in the world."

"Not at the moment" they say, "you guys are a trending hot topic right now. So what are you going to do, deny or confess?"

I look at Daniel, he answers them, "I talked to Melissa, she takes care of my social media. So we might just put a statement out to confirm everything."

"Have you guys read some of the comments? Some are so supportive, but there are some nasty ones as well." Brianna asks.

"I've only read a few DM's I got, it wasn't too bad really." I answer.

"Why don't you guys go live on insta, then people can actually see you together and maybe you can answer some questions. It might take the wind out of the sails of some of the negative people." Jenna suggests.

Daniel and I look at each other to see what the other one thinks about it. "That might be a good idea, but we'll have to discuss that later." Daniel answers.
"I'm going to get changed, we have to meet Michael in a bit." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and heads to the bedroom.

"Oooh my god that was cute, he's crazy about you isn't he," Brianna asks.
"Just as I am crazy about him. He actually said he loves me yesterday and I feel like my feet haven't touched the ground ever since. I really love him so incredibly much." I say while I feel tears filling my eyes.

"Oh sweetie, this is all we wanted for you. Even if this means we won't be seeing you a lot anymore now." Jenna says.
"Are you going to stay in Monaco with him now and travel the world with him?" Bri asks.
"I don't know yet, we will probably talk about that today. I just know I would feel incomplete without him."
I look at the bedroom door where I can hear Daniel humming.
"I'll let you know later, I should get changed as well, I'm going to work out with him and Michael today."

"Have fun, we'll talk later." Bri and Jenna wave and we end the call.
I quickly make my way to the bedroom to find something I can actually exercise in.
When I get in the bedroom I see Daniel doing some stretching. He is still without a shirt and I see his strong muscles under his skin.
"Fuck me."
"I just did an hour ago. But I can go again if you can." He responds.
"Wait what? Oh did I say that out loud. I thought it was just in my head." I start laughing and Daniel joins me.
"I'm sorry, you just looked so freaking sexy doing that I just let it out." I try to explain.
"Well you can let out suggestions like that any time." He walks up to me and cups my face to plant his lips on mine. My mouth opens automatically and our tongues find each other in a playful fight.

My body is screaming to let him take me right here right now, but I know we really don't have the time.
Reluctantly I break up the kiss and sigh, "as much as I would love you to let you have your way with me, we can't keep Michael waiting."
He adjusts the front of his pants to get more comfortable and sighs. "I know, I know. Later. What did you think about Jenna's suggestion. About going live to give people the change to ask questions and stuff."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now