Just a perfect day

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I don't know how long we've been holding each other, crying happy tears. Daniel keeps looking at the test to see if it still says I'm pregnant.
"It's not going to change you know." I say smiling.
"I know, but it just amazes me that this is really true. Soon you're going to have a little bump growing, this time we will be able to feel it moving around. I just know it. It will work out this time." He is so happy, so am I, but it's just so unreal. After being told I probably wouldn't be able to get pregnant without help, here we are, pregnant for the second time, without any medical help.

"I think you're right. I'm going to try to be positive about the outcome, that somewhere next year, we will be holding our little one in our arms. I'm very curious to find out when though. But first this race and Japan, as soon as we are in LA we are going to find somewhere to get the ultrasound done." I say, I need to be positive about it. Last time I let my fear overrule the happiness. I won't let that happen this time.
"Do you want to call your parents yet?" I ask Daniel and he looks up to me, not expecting me to ask that.

"I would love to, but I thought maybe you would want to keep it a secret for now." He's already pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"No, not this time, I want to share this with the people we love. I would almost shout it from the rooftops, but let's not do that. Last time it was hard to go through the miscarriage, with only a few people knowing what was going on. It's wonderful news, let's share it. Maybe not for the world, but the people who care about us around here and at home, yeah they can know."

"Put the onesie in front of you, I'll turn the camera to you so that will be the first thing they will see." Daniel suggests before opening FaceTime to call his parents.
I shrug and keep the onesie in front of my stomach, not that there's anything to see, but the idea is cute.
"Heeey Daniel, how are you.....wait what?" I don't see Grace, as the screen is facing Daniel, but she can see me.
"Does this mean? Are you? Really?" She stammers and I nod with a big smile. Daniel hands me the test and I keep it up so she can see.

"Ooooh this is amazing news, congratulations you two. Joe look!!" She calls over Joe, but then Daniel turns the camera so when Joe comes to the phone he just sees Daniel.
"What? I just see our sons ugly face." I know he's joking, but I'm always taken back a bit. If my mom would say that she would probably mean it.
"Daniel you tease, show your dad!" Grace shouts, making Daniel laugh out loud.
"I thought you would be happy to see me dad, but I'll show you my gorgeous girl, I know you love her more than me." He turns the camera again, but Joe takes a bit longer to understand.

"My daddy is a F1 driver. That's cute but... Hang on! That's a baby onesie. Are you pregnant?!" I nod and all I hear is Grace and Joe cheering and then Grace sobbing.
"Oh guys we're all so blessed. How are you feeling? I know you have been a bit sick from that bug the entire team caught."
Daniel turns the camera and we sit down on his couch.
"I'm alright, my stomach is still a bit messed up, but I guess now we know why."

I rest my head on Daniels shoulder, just feeling content and at ease. We chat with his parents for a while when Grace suddenly mentions something I didn't think about yet.
"So you might have a little bump showing in your wedding dress then."
Oh damn, my dress is really hugging my body already, so they will probably need to do more alterations than we expected. It's a good thing I'll be going for a fitting after Mexico. Then I can tell them I might need a little more room around my belly for the wedding.

"Good point. I'll make sure to arrange that with the bridal shop. I'm going to show off that bump with pride." I know I'm glowing.
"You're already stunning, but I can only imagine how beautiful you will look with a baby bump." Daniel is also glowing, I think he will be glow in the dark during the race.
We hear somebody knocking on the door.
"Guys, I know you're in there, please tell me you are dressed. It's time for dinner." That's Lando.
"We're dressed, don't worry. Come in." I shout back.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora