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I wake up feeling a bit nauseous, I grab the crackers I have on my nightstand and nibble on them before even considering getting out of bed.
I do really need to pee, but I've been peeing like crazy lately.
The sun is peeking in through the massive window and I see the hills of LA. We arrived yesterday and my entire sense of time is messed up. We left Japan on Monday, flying for over 10 hours, just be set back in time for 17 hours. So when we got here in the LA home it was a couple of hours earlier then when we boarded the plane.

Yesterday we just did some grocery shopping, but mostly had a relaxed day. Daniel did his training and I did a few laps in the pool just to keep moving.

Japan was nice, we did see a bit of the sights around the circuit, but nothing to crazy. The weekend wasn't the best race wise, but nothing has been able to get Daniels spirit down. He's glowing just as much as me since we had the positive pregnancy test.
He's already looking for ideas on the nursery in Monaco and he wants to hire a contractor to do some adjustments on this house so we have a nursery here as well.

If it was up to him we would have been out shopping for clothes and stuff already. I wanted to wait a bit longer. I feel positive about it, but I'm still a bit nervous sometimes that we'll jinx it if we start shopping.
But this afternoon we're going for a scan. Hopefully we will see a healthy little baby on the screen and then we will know how many weeks I am now.

I get up after finishing my crackers. Daniel is already out training, but I'm sure he'll be back in a bit. I felt him get out of bed, he gave me a soft kiss on my temple when he left and that has been a while ago.
After emptying my bladder with a relieved sigh I brush my teeth. I have been a bit nauseous every morning, but I haven't been throwing up as bad as I was the first time. I am exhausted though, it feels like I could sleep for 20 of the 24 hours every day. If I had the chance I'd probably sleep the other 4 hours as well.

I check myself in the mirror that is in the bedroom, it's a floor to ceiling mirror, so I can see all of me.
I turn to the side to see if anything is changing yet. It's probably just wishful thinking, but it looks like the part underneath my belly button is less flat. But I doubt that it's real. It does feel a bit more solid there. Not as squishy as it used to be. My breasts have grown even more. Much to Daniels delight.

He just can't touch them, because they are sore as hell, so he's now just admiring them from a small distance. We're going bra shopping after the scan, because mine feel like they are two cup sizes too small and it's not very comfortable. I tried to just wear some tight tops, but then they move too much which is pretty painful.
So new lingerie it is, but first breakfast.
I bought bagels yesterday so I put cream cheese on one with some roast chicken.
I'd rather have it with smoked salmon, but I've read you have to heat it up properly first and then I don't like smoked salmon anymore.

I was looking forward to the sushi in Japan, but I didn't dare eat it, so maybe next year.
"Hello my gorgeous girl." Daniel comes in just as I'm about to sit down to eat.
"Hey lover how was training?" He comes over for a kiss.
"It was good, it's always nice being able to train outside here."
He puts his big hand on my non visible bump. "Hi there little one. Today we're going to see you for the first time. Love you both so much."

He has turned into this soppy pile of mush and I can't wait to see what happens as soon as he meets our baby.
I already know if it's a girl, she will wrap him around her finger as soon as she comes out. He probably won't have eyes for me anymore if we have a girl. That's going to be his little princess.
And a boy will probably have his first kart, before he can crawl. And he will be the prince of the house. If it was up to Daniel that is. I really don't want our child to be a spoiled brat, so we will have to teach them they can't just have what they want, just because we're not poor.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ