The whole world is watching

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Daniel, Max and Charles are now in the cool down room waiting for the podium ceremony. I'm still standing in front of the crush barriers with the team behind me. On the screen you can see the 3 of them in the room chatting about their race. Daniel and Max are discussing the fights they had on the track today and how much they both enjoyed it.

It feels like I'm experiencing this outside of my body. When Daniel and I met, his career almost seemed like it would end then and there. It wouldn't have changed a single thing for me, I would have loved our life together outside F1. But for him it would have felt like he had unfinished business. Well that's not the case now, his first race back at Red Bull and he will be on the top of that podium.

Charles gets called on the podium, the Ferrari team and fans cheering him on.
There's Max, waving at his team, Kelly looking up at him so proud.
I'm sure he would have preferred to be on the top step, but who knows he might also think about the Bahrein curse. Although I also know Max is way too much a down to earth kinda guy to believe those things.

"And the race winner for today Daniel Ricciardo!!!" I hear through the speakers.
There he is, in his Red Bull racing suit, his smile so wide, I think they can see it on the other side of the circuit. I can still see all his emotions that he has running through him in his eyes.
As he gets on the top step of the podium and the Australian national anthem starts to play his eyes find mine and he doesn't look away.

My heart is bursting with love and pride for this man, as he is standing there, listening to his countries anthem. After the anthem he takes of his shoe to fill it with the rose water champagne.
He drinks every last drop before filling it again so he can offer Max and Charles a sip.
Max tries to refuse, but Daniel gets his way so even though he's gagging, Max takes a small sip.
Charles tries to make a run for it, but in the end he also takes the shoe and drinks from it.

I think it's hilarious and it has been way too long since the last time he could do a shoey, he'd better not offer me some, because there's no chance I'm doing that.
Max and Charles shake their bottles, then both giving Daniel the full load. He just stands there and enjoys every second and every drop of it.

As I stand there, looking at him celebrate I realize, the whole world has just watched him rise again.
They thought he was done, he was only a charming funny guy who didn't deserve a seat for this year. Oh how he proved them wrong, they thought he left, but he never left. He just moved aside for a while. His own words have never fitted more perfectly than they do now.

They go back for the media obligations and I really need to sit down again, so I go to hospitality to get something to drink, I'm exhausted, but so happy.
I send Daniel a quick text so he knows where I am once he is done and then me and Kelly both sit down with a cup of tea.

That night there's a party in the hotel bar, even though I'm exhausted I decide to go there with Daniel, he deserves it. Besides we're flying home tomorrow, so I'll be able to sleep then.
Around midnight I'm sitting next to Michael as one of the few sober people around, laughing about the stuff that has been put on social media about us. Daniel is doing shots with his team and jumping around on the dance floor just having a blast. He asked me if I was ok first, but I told him to please enjoy himself. He's just going to have a hangover tomorrow.

There's a photo going pretty much viral of me leaning against Michael and he who has his arms around me while we were watching Daniels race.
"Oh wow look at this one, somebody is actually speculating if the baby is yours or Daniels." We are both just having a laugh, because of the ridiculousness of it all.
"Well unless we did something we both can't remember I highly doubt that." He laughs.
"According to Jenna I would remember shagging you." I wink and he actually turns red.
"Hopefully in a good way."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now