chapter 52

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"And when we are at it?! Did you tell him, by any chance, Taehyung is pregnant?!" Jungkook wanted to know.

Finally all the dots were connected.

Jimin cupped his own face, his jaw dropped and his eyes became big. He could not process the information.

"I did." Jimin just breathed in hushed tones.

"What?! You moochibreed of chaos! Why do you go around and tell everyone my doll is pregnant?!" Jungkook raised his voice.

He stepped forward, grabbing Jimin's collar and was about to shake him a little.
It looked threatening, but it was more playful banter as usual, nevertheless Taehyung and Yoongi reacted quickly. 

They pulled both cousins apart, being all shocked and stunned.
Hoseok just started laughing and clapped his hands delightedly, however it contributed to calm the tension down again.

"It slipped me!" Jimin defended himself.

"How can such information slip you?!" Jungkook asked him.

"Don't know?! We were talking and he said, he also has a cousin named Yoongi and somehow we connected over it-" Jimin started explaining, while Taehyung and Yoongi shared a confused look.

"-and then he asked me about you. Suddenly I told him.. You know.. How much child you are sometimes and poor Taehyung, now having two kids and such," Jimin ended his talk.

Hoseok started clapping his hands in joy again, when Jungkook grabbed Jimin again and Taehyung yelped.
Yoongi also jumped in between and hid his baby behind his back.

"Calm down?" Yoongi asked, although it was more of an order.

"He is not the problem. Why attack him?" He then asked a real question.

"Yeah! I'm not the problem!!" Jimin repeated, hugging his love from behind and pressing his lips to a thin line. He enjoyed being protected, although he didn't need any. 

Taehyung had also stepped in between and pushed Jungkook a little away.
"Calm down," he asked.

Jungkook huffed, pursing his lips.

"It gets more and more fun," Hoseok admitted, laughing at those four and drawing all attention onto him. He looked back and forth between them, while his mother and his aunt stayed a bit distant. His mother was amused, too, while Jungkook's mother was rather concerned and a little overwhelmed.

Hoseok then sighed.
"Don't you think?" He asked.

"What the fu-" ck is funny?
Jungkook wanted to know, when hands covered his mouth.
Taehyung was quick again, taking a deep, deep breath. It was a clear signal, the ravenette understood and smiled a little against the palm of the silver blonde's hand. He then gently pulled them down.
"What the heck is funny?" Jungkook changed his words.

Hoseok grinned again.
"The whole construct? Taehyung and you are a couple, Yoongi and Jimin as well? And how Jimin meets Kim Seokjin, who is Taehyung's brother-in-law? Don't you think so?" He wanted to know.
"And then here we are? Taehyung's professor is having a vernissage at our gallery?.. Oh, I mean, was having a vernissage." He added.

Taehyung's shoulders dropped.
"I'm sorry." He quickly apologized. "I troubled you all."

"No!!" Jungkook and Jimin yelled together, while Yoongi shook his head and crossed his arms. Jimin walked around his boyfriend and stepped in front of Taehyung, who got hugged by Jungkook.
"You did nothing wrong." He declared.
"He is right, doll." Jungkook agreed, and so did Hoseok with an eager nod.

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