Han - Cheesecake

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(You are kinda a Karen in this story lol. Also if you don't like cheesecake, pretend you do for this story. I personally don't like it either.)

"Can I get a slice of blueberry cheesecake and a coffee please?" You asked the café staff member. "That would be 8,58 AUD" He said.

You paid and made your way to your usual seat. Annoyingly, somebody was sitting there already, eating a blueberry cheesecake.

You came here often, so the regular customers knew where you usually sat, which is why the spot normally was empty.

You never really liked newbies; they always have to sit right where you sit.

"Excuse me sir, but this is where I usually sit." You said confronting him. He had headphones in and was writing down some lyrics on a piece of paper, so he didn't hear you.

You sat across of him on the other side of the table and tried again "Excuse me sir- "

He shushed you. "I'm working, can't you see?". Flabbergasted you stayed there looking at him. Nobody had ever spoken to you like that. 

"Miss Y/N! Your cheesecake and coffee are ready." The café staff member announced.

Angrily you stood up and went to the cash register. The staff member, who you also knew really well, was grinning from ear to ear.

"Somebody took your spot, eh?" He teasingly said. "Oh, shush Chan." You said and grabbed your cake. 

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