Lee Know - Saviour

666 11 1

Request by @Iluvdarkue

TW: Mention of nearly getting r@ped

You passed the bar around the corner while trying to forget today's day. Nothing had gone to plan, and your bully Lee Know kept bothering you.

He was so annoying, why couldn't he just mind his own business?

"Hey there." Someone greeted behind you.

You quickly turned around. It was Lee Know. "You again?" You asked.

"What did you expect, when we live in the same neighbourhood." He grinned.

You rolled your eyes. "I have somewhere else to be, so I'll go now."

"Ooo, and where is that?" Lee Know asked curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" You replied.

"I would actually. Need to keep my lady safe." He playfully told.

"First of all, I'm not yours. Secondly, I can protect myself. I really gotta go, so enjoy your time here and please don't talk to me again."

"Can't promise anything!" He yelled, after you had walked a little away.

________ __________ __________

It was only a few minutes ago since you had talked with Lee Know, and it was already completely dark.

Your phone's flashlight was the only thing that made sure you didn't trip over something.

In reality you didn't have a specific place to be, you just wanted an excuse to get away from Lee Know.

Did you regret it? No. (Yes)

Suddenly you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist. You let out a scream before the person could cover your mouth.

It got dark (If it could get any darker) and you passed out.

Lee Know POV:

"I wonder why she hates me so much." He thought, as he entered the bar.

"Oi Lee Know! You here too? Come sit with us!!" Bang Chan, Lee Know's friend, yelled across the room.

"Hi Chan. You here alone?" Lee Know asked and went over to Chan's table.

"No, Jisung just went to the bathroom, and Felix is up ordering drinks. How are you?"

Right when Lee Know was about to sit down and answer, a scream found way into his ears.

"Did you hear that?" Lee Know asked Chan.

"No? What is it?" Chan replied confused.

"I'm gonna go outside. Greet the others for me, will ya?" Lee Know told and ran out of the bar.


You opened your eyes. Where were you?

Suddenly you felt a person next to you. He stroked you up and down your arm.

You tried to yell at him, but your mouth was sealed shut. Your body was tied to the floor.

"You can't escape baby. You're all mine now..." The person chuckled and licked your cheek.

You panicked and looked around franticly in the dark for something to use. Kind of hopeless, but you really needed to get away from this man.

"What are you doing? Stay still or I'll punish you." He commanded.

Silent tears escaped your eyes, as you obeyed him.

He started massaging your neck with his lips, as he went further and further down.

You couldn't help but long for Lee Know in this moment. Even though he bullies and annoys you. If you just hadn't left him...

The guy bit your leg, and you jumped slightly out of surprise.

"Calm down. We wouldn't want anyone to disturb our fun, would we?" He whispered.

All of a sudden the guy stopped what he was doing.

You could see the silhouette of his body slowly creep closer to the wall you were up against.

A light was flashing out on the streets.

You tried to call for help; forgetting how you were taped up.

The guy next to you was about to knock you down again, but someone grabbed his arm just in time.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her." The person said.

The gross man quickly got his arm free and ran away.

When he was far enough away, your saviour, who you quickly realised was Lee Know, released your arms and legs, while removing the tape.

You jumped into his arms the moment you got free.

Even though you made his shirt wet, he kept you in his embrace, while calming down your shaking body.

He stroked your hair gently, careful not to frighten you. "I love you." He suddenly slipped out.

You pulled a little bit away. "What-?"

When he realised what he had said and couldn't take it back, he repeated himself: "I love you.. I know it's not the best time to tell you, but-" You cut him off with a kiss.

"I love you too." You said and wiped your tears away.

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