Bang Chan- Disaster

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(Mention of blood, but only once.)

You and your best friend Chan, who you had a little crush on, were at school in chemistry class. 

"Chan, do you understand this?" You whispered. "Not a bit." He answered. 

You sat like that in silence for a bit, until you had to do the experiment. 

You got paired up with Chan, which both of you were happy for, but again not so much, as none of you understood anything lmao.

"Let's just try." He said but didn't really mean it.

-Awkward silence-


You kinda exploded the school... 

The fire alarm rang, and scared students were running everywhere. 

"Come, we gotta go Y/N!" Chan yelled over all the screaming kids. Since you guys were so close to the explosion, both of you were dribbling in blood. 

You ran through the crowd of people to get outside. Your ears were buzzing and your vision started getting blurry. The only things you could hear was Chan's voice calling you to continue and people crying all around you. 

You fell.

-Time skip to hospital-

You woke up in an unfamiliar place with Chan silently crying beside you. Your memory slowly came back, and then! You remembered everything that happened. 

With a groan you got up into a sitting position where Chan immediately hugged you. 

He started sobbing "I was so worried... Please don't do that again". 

You sat there for a while before the doctor came in. "Ah, I see you're awake miss Y/L/N. You lost a lot of blood yesterday which caused you to black out. Your brave friend here brought you all the way to the hospital. You must be very close" He smiled. 

"We've been friends since childhood." you responded. 

"That's nice. You'll be leaving in a day or 2, so just rest as much as you can, okay?" The doctor smiled and left. 

You looked at Chan who was still sobbing his heart out. He had bandages around his arms and legs and scars all over his face. 

"Do you know what happened to the school?" You asked. He wiped his tears away and looked at you. "No, but I don't think it'll open anytime soon. There was quite a lot of damage."

You nodded. "What should we say to our parents? Do they know we are here?" 

"I've already talked with them. Yes, they were disappointed, but just glad we are okay." He answered while sniffing. 

You nodded again. "Can we hug?" You asked him, and he gladly came over to you.

-A few days later. For context: You got out of the hospital, still a bit weak but much better, and found a new school to go to while the other one got fixed.-

You were walking to school with Chan. He still had some of his bandages, but his scars looked much better. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." He suddenly said. 

"What do you mean?" You asked, even though you knew what he meant. 

"You know what I mean Y/N. I could have protected you, but I didn't. I'm such a bad friend." He said and put his head in his hands. 

You stopped and looked at him "Chan, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. You've been my friend all my life. And you did protect me. If you hadn't pulled me to the hospital I could have died in the flames. I am you forever grateful." 

He looked at you "Can I kiss you?"  

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