Bang Chan - Ferry

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(Pretend you live in Australia. (If you don't already lol.) )

Today you were going to travel around Australia's coastline with a few of your schoolmates.

Because train and bus would take too long, your teachers decided to take a ferry around.

There were about 35 children to be taken care of, so not everyone could sit next to somebody they knew. Sadly, all your closest friends already found a seat beside each other and didn't save a spot, so you had to sit next to a total stranger.

"Can I sit here?" You asked the guy. He looked around your age.

"Sure." He tapped the seat.

You sat down and looked over to your other friends. They laughed and didn't seem to miss you very much.

"Are they your friends?" The guy asked. You nodded.

"They sure don't seem so." He shrugged and looked back out the window.

You guys sat in silence after that, sometimes stealing small glances at each other. He was quite handsome, you couldn't deny that.

"Where are you going?" You asked.

He moved his gaze into your eyes. "My friend Felix lives nearby. I haven't seen him for a long time now." You nodded.

"You are going with your school, ight?" He asked. "Yeah, we will be visiting different places near the coast."

He responded with a simple "Cool" and looked away again.

-Time skip to an hour later-

Your teacher came over. "It's time to get off now Y/N. Get your stuff so we can go". 

"Yes, Mrs. Wallaby." You responded.

You grabbed your bag and said goodbye to the dude.
"Wait!" He said and grabbed your wrist. You locked eye contact.

He blushed and looked away, still holding onto you.

He scribbled down something on a piece of paper and placed it in your hand.

"Goodbye." He said and smiled.

When you got of the ferry you looked down at the note and grinned.

It was his number.  

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