Han - 143rd time

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(Request by @defnotlactose, hope this lives up to what you imagined TT) 

(Idol AU)

Yayyy, it was finally time for ISAC, your favourite part of the year. This time you were competing in ssireum wrestling with some of your members.

You were excited, since you received a lot of compliments while training, so you hoped to get a gold medal this year.

"You nervous Y/N?" Your member asked, while walking into the stadium.

"A little bit, but it's not bad." You smiled.

It was announced on the speaker that the female wrestling teams, should move to the middle of the stadium and get prepared.

Your group's leader patted you on the back and wished you good luck. You smiled at her and followed the rest of your members.

There were 3 other matches before yours, and the more you watched, the more nervous you got.

"We're gonna do great." Your group's ace told, as it was your turn.

You nodded and went up on the pillow with your two other members. They were gonna do the first 2 matches and then you would do the last.

It ended with a tie; 1 point for your team and 1 point for the other. It was now your turn.

You felt a heavy burden. If you lost, your group would be out of the competition.

You got into position and when you heard the beep, you lifted your opponent and pulled her to the ground.

You looked at the time. Only 3 seconds?! How is that possible?

You looked down at your members, and they were just as surprised as you. You helped your opponent up and went back down.

"Wow! You are really good at wrestling." A male voice cheered behind you.

You turned around and saw no other than Han Jisung from Stray Kids.

"Oh, thank you. Well I trained a lot for this and did my best, so I hope it was worth it." You said and smiled.

"Wanna sit together with our group?" He asked.

"No, it's fine thank you. The others are waiting for me." You answered.

"I'll see you around then." He grinned and went back to his members.

-Time skip to just before ISAC ends-

It was nearly time to go home, but a familiar voice asked you to wait.

You stopped and turned around to see Han standing behind you again.

He looked like he had run 5000 miles, as he was breathing so heavily. "Can I get your number?" He asked, while catching his breath.

"Uhm...I don't think that would be very appropriate, sorry. Dispatch will probably make some crazy rumours and stuff. You know how that goes." You said, as you scratched the back of your neck.

He looked embarrassed to the ground. "Oh, right. See you next ISAC then?"

You nodded and caught up to the rest of your members. You secretly wished you had given it to him, but you knew if you did, you'd get way too attached.

-A week later-

Finally you got a day off! You decided to treat yourself by going to a very expensive café close by. Or so you thought, but never mind.

You went inside and a lovely smell of fresh pastries made its way into your nose. You couldn't wait to eat.

Quickly you went up to the register and looked at the menu. You decided on the crispy, heart shaped palmier and waited in line.

When you got your food and were about to find a seat, you saw no other than Han Jisung with the exact same pastry, staring at you.

He grinned. "Mind if we sit together?"

You shyly nodded your head and found a seat with him.

"So...How have you been?" He asked.

"I've been fine. Preparing for comeback, but overall good. What about you?" You answered.

He thought a little. "Well, I've been doing alright. Mostly worked on some songs, but yeah."

You continued talking back and forth. Han kept spacing out while looking at you, so you had to snap your fingers at him. "Helloooo. Earth to Han."

"Right, sorry, just spaced out." He apologised and smiled.

Eventually you decided to go home together. I mean your dorms weren't that far apart, so why not?

You had walked for a little while, when Han suddenly decided to try a cheesy pick up line. "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together."

You stopped and stared surprised at him, but then you replied: "I like the way it is with N and O together."

Luckily before it became too awkward, it started raining.

He chuckled nervously. "Do you have an umbrella on you?" He asked.

You shook your head. The weather looked fine this morning, so you didn't think of bringing one.

"I'm not good at directions in rain. Let's find a roof or something to stay under, while I call for Chan." He said.

You ran to the nearest department store and Han called Chan. "He'll be here in 10 minutes." Han said after finishing the call.

It wasn't the best atmosphere you guys were in. His pickup line had just backfired, so it made sense why.

"I'm sorry for saying that. It just came out of my mouth." He confessed with a grin.

You looked at him. "It's fine Han. I guess I was a little mean too."

He smiled. "You know, why do you actually reject all my attempts of making a move on you?" He asked.

You looked at the ground. Should you tell the truth?

You took a deep breath and answered: "I'm scared that if I let you in, I'll get too attached... What if you'll have to leave at some point, or some crazy rumour will ruin our career? I don't want any of us to get hurt."

He looked sad at you. "Y/N, what made you think I'd ever leave you? I mean our group is popular and all that, but I'd never do something so cruel."

He took your hand and said: "I love you."

Despair and happiness swept across your face. You didn't know what to say or feel.

"I...I don't know what to say Han."

"You don't need to say anything love, but please... If you do feel a slight bit for me, then tell me." He pleaded.

"I do love you Han, but I'm scared." You finally answered.

He sighed in relief and then stroked a piece of hair out of your face. "We'll get through this together, okay."

You nodded.

Chan pulled up in front of the window, calling you guys out.

When you got in the car and he had started to drive again, Chan asked: "Is that your girlfriend Sungie?"

Han nodded, but then you interrupted: "No, we're just friends."

Han looked confused at you.

"Let's keep this a secret for now." You told.

"Okay." He answered. He was just happy that he got you after his 143rd attempt. 

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