Seungmin - Wide Awake (OLeander)

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"OLeander" by Hannah Bahng inspired story. 

"The waters changed since the fall." 

Sitting on the rooftop, silent tears escaped your eyes. The sun was setting, and the buildings were bathed in an orange-pink glow.

Your heart ached in a complex, profound way you couldn't describe. You were longing for connection, yet again didn't you already have that?

With a groan you pulled your legs over the edge and looked down. Beautiful how everything just blends together.

Your boyfriend was only a train away from here. Until now, none of you had used it. "A simple call would be easier." He said 2 years ago.

A dove flew across the dim-lit sky. It's wings were spread elegantly with a feeling of carefreeness.

The so few precious calls you obtained were never wholehearted conversations. They were hurried through and always ended with a tight knot in your stomach.

The sun had fully disappeared now. The last light on your face slicked off. You were left alone in darkness, waiting for a moon to shine for you.

You couldn't help it when you fell for Seungmin. It just happened. He was a structured person that couldn't be swayed. You knew getting together with him would somehow lead you to this, yet you couldn't stop falling over and over again. He was alluring, for sure.

As much as you waited, the moon never showed up. Likewise the stars. The darkness was compactly crept up against your body, leaving cold blows to your skin.

Seungmin had always been very goal oriented, and you supported him in all he pursued. You never got a chance to say much to it, as he always knew best, but you did your best.

It was getting colder. The once warm sun had left long ago by now. In this freezing state, you renewed your memories with him.

He was fading together with the light, and you knew that, but you still chose to hold unto the last bits left of him. The promises he had given you, seemed meaningless now. They had flowed away with the water streams.

You pulled your legs back up and placed them close to your chest. He used to worship you there all night, after drinking every bottle he could find.

You knew he wasn't in his present mind then; after all that was what the heaven's drink did. You ignored that though, as that was your only touch with him.

I can't help making my stories sad, sorry. I'll try to change that soon  🥲

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