Lee Know- Hospital pt 3

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TW: Mention of extreme body injuries. 

Soon later, a few other surgeons came in.

I was sitting behind a glass wall together with the surgeon trainees that were here to see how it's done.

The surgeons started preparing the equipment they needed and got dressed into their surgeon outfits. For some reason I was still nervous, even though I could clearly see their professionalism.

Then it started. One of the surgeons took a big bottle filled with blood and placed a needle in it.

The trainee beside me scribbled down some notes.

The surgeon handed the bottle over to the man who was sitting next to Lee Know's body. He took off the blue cloth that was covering his stomach, and slowly positioned the needle right above his chest box.

This was my first time seeing his injuries. Even though he got stitches, you could clearly see how bad it must have been.

The surgeon started squeezing the blood into his skin leaving a little dot after he pulled out again. He then positioned the bottle to a new area and did it over once more.

This continued a few times at different areas of Lee Know's chest.

The trainee was scribbling like crazy. It made it hard to concentrate.

The blood transfusion seemed to go well so far, so I was able to relax a little knowing it was gonna be fine. But then...

All the lights in the hospital went out. Nobody could see a thing.

Chills ran down my spine. Lee Know was still undergoing blood transfusion but it couldn't continue without light, since they had to be very precise about where they placed the needle.

And If they stopped, the blood would get mixed, and he would get some serious infections.

"Does anyone have a phone?" The surgeon closest to Lee Know asked.

I checked my pockets. I mumbled a few curse words, when I realised I had forgotten it in the car.

Luckily the crazy scribbling trainee yelled up: "Here sir! It only has 5% though, so be fast." He handed it to the surgeon.

I tensed up again. Blood transfusion usually takes a long time and Lee Know lost a lot of blood, so he needed extra time. You also had to be extremely precise with where you place the needle.

They started again. This time it was kinda hard to see because of the limited lighting, but if the surgeons could see, it didn't matter that I couldn't.

20 minutes later the phone died.

Luckily though, the surgeons had gotten far enough, that they wouldn't need light for the rest.

I sighed in relief. Soon Lee Know could get home. Of course he still needed to rest, but he would at least be there.

-5 days later.( I promise, this is the last time skip.) -

Lee Know was going home today. I was really excited. I hadn't been able to speak to him for about 2 weeks now.

The hospital was gonna bring him here, so I didn't have to worry about driving.

Questions ran through my head. What if he didn't remember me?

Soon later, the doorbell rang.

I rushed to the door. "Hello, miss Y/L/N. Mister Lee is waiting in the ambulance. He is still weak and can therefore not walk without crutches." He smiled.

Skipping nearly every other step, I walked together with the doctor to the ambulance.

The doctor opened the Backdoor, and I carefully stepped inside. Lee Know was sitting on the bed looking really tired.

As soon as our gazes met, his eyes shone up like stars. He opened his arms for me to come into, and I gladly went over.

I missed being in his embrace, he always felt so safe. Carefully he stroked the top of my head "I missed you". 

"I missed you more." I said. 

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