Seungmin- Lifeguard

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(Remember, this is fantasy and anything can happen lmao.)

TW: Mention of nearly drowning and sharks.

You were walking down to the beach as you usually did every morning. You were wearing your swimmers underneath some shorts and a t-shirt. Your dad taught you how to swim when you were young, but he died shortly after. This was your way of remembering him.

You took off your clothes, revealing your swimsuit. You noticed the lifeguard checking you out, but when you looked at him, he immediately looked away. You scoffed; shouldn't he be doing his job instead of looking at girls?

You entered the water letting the cool, blue liquid surround you. It really calmed you down. When you were in the water, you could completely forget all your surroundings and problems.

Maybe you imagined yourself a little too far away sometimes. What if a shark came and you didn't notice? It wasn't very often sharks would come by though, so you allowed yourself to completely relax.

Today was one of those "Not so often" days. A flock of sharks were spotted in the horizon, making the lifeguards quickly notify and evacuate the people on the beach.

Everyone was screaming and running for their lives, but you were in your own world. Forgetting all time and space. Kinda stupid innit.

There were so many people that the lifeguards couldn't spot you so far out in the water.

The sharks came closer, but you still hadn't noticed. You were just swimming around, enjoying your healing time.

One of the sharks spotted you and swam over.

(Quick A/N: I know sharks don't specifically target people. This is fantasy after all.)

All the lifeguards were busy with other people. They thought everyone would have been out of the water by now, so again, they didn't really care to notice you floating around.

Except one.

That weird lifeguard that kept checking you out. He had surprisingly been looking at you the entire time.

When he saw the shark come closer, he ran towards the microphone thingy lifeguards have and called out to you: "You there in the water! I order you to come out! There are sharks out there!"

You were really oblivious though and couldn't hear him. You were just minding your own business.

It was first when the shark started pulling at you from below that you snapped out of your dreamland. At lightning speed, you came to your senses and tried swimming towards the coast.

The shark was really strong though, and kept pulling you down with it. You were under water now, gasping for air. You didn't get to breathe in properly before getting pulled down.

You started choking on the water. "It might end now." You thought. The shark kept pulling you further and further down.

The lifeguard had given up calling for you, so he ran to a speed boat and drove over to you. Or at least where he thought you were.

You had never been so stressed in your life; the shark came by such a surprise.

You had already prepared yourself to die, when you saw a man swimming towards you. He had a weird thing in his hand, (Let's just say it scares sharks.) and as he got closer, the shark started to release it's grip and swim away. The man reached his hand down for you to take, which you gladly accepted.

With the last of your strength, you swam up to the surface with the man.

He pulled you over his boat and sat next to you. You coughed all the water up, while he just sat there looking at you. When you started breathing normally again, he asked you to sit up properly and hold onto him, since there were still sharks around.

You did as he told, and he drove back to the coast.

"What were you thinking?" He asked scoldingly, as you got back to land. 

"I-I don't know..." You answered, while realising how cold it had gotten. You started freezing, which he seemed to notice, as he grabbed a towel and gave it to you. 

"Thank you for saving me." You said while looking down. "It's my job." He answered coldly.

"Do you live far away? It's not a good idea to go home alone after such a shock." He asked after a while. "No just down the road." You replied.

He nodded. "I'm Seungmin." He suddenly confessed. You looked at him properly for the first time. He was rather handsome. "I'm Y/N."

And until this very day, you never forgot the man who saved your life. Seungmin. 

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