Chan - Family Returns Pt3 (Skz Family)

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TW: Mention of death

You gave your mom her phone back. "When did you get this?"

You could see how hard she tried not to cry. "Half an hour ago?..."

"Where are the car keys? I'm driving out to him."

"But you don't have any license?" She said and pointed to where they were.

You quickly grabbed them and ran outside to the car. While getting in, you sent a swift message to Chan about cancelling your plans, as something more important came up.

He replied with a call.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm really sorry Chan, but I can't talk right now. I'm about to do something, I could go to jail for."

"Pick me up, I'll come with you."

You couldn't respond, as he hung up the second after.

You sighed. The more the merrier?

Chan luckily didn't live far away, so when you had gotten used to the new feeling of driving, he was already in the car.

"Where are we going?" He asked, as he tied the seatbelt tightly around him.

"My dad's house."

"It isn't his week though?" Chan was clearly confused about what could be so important, that illegal driving was the only option.

"Can't talk right now, I need to focus." You told.

He nodded and looked out the window.

As time passed, you got more and more stressed. Why did he have to live so far away?? If mom hadn't divorced him, this would never have happened. The happy family you always had dreamed of, could've been a reality.

"10 minutes more, then everything will be fine. Everything will be fine." You repeated in your head.

Those 10 minutes turned to 5, later 0 and you arrived.

"Wait up Y/N!" Chan called, as you rushed towards your dad's front door.

The door was unlocked, yet no lights were on.

"Will you tell me what's going on?" Chan asked again.

You had completely forgotten about him for a second and swiftly looked at him.

"What? Oh, right. Can I explain later?" You asked. "Sorry."

He nodded. "It's fine. I'll just... Try to figure out myself?"

You gave him a weak smile and back was your stress. Hastily you ran around your dad's house, trying find him.

Hide and seek was one of your only weaknesses. Weird you came across it so often.

"Uhm Y/N? I think I found him..." Chan said somewhere from behind.

Your blood was boiling, and you felt like fainting any second.

Deep inside you knew what had already occurred and didn't feel like seeing it all, however you slowly approached Chan anyways. Miracles can happen at all times.

You weren't surprised when you got close enough to see, but sorrow can come with every emotion.

There on the carpet your dad was lying with a bottle of pills in his hand. His mouth was slightly turned upwards, making it look like he was just having a nice dream.

You broke down next to Chan. He was quick to react and crouched down while pulling you close to him.

-"THE SHADE" by Rex Orange County fits well here

You sobbed into his chest as he comforted you. He knew this feeling very well and could provide you with what you needed.

"Let's go Y/N." He said and stroked your hair one last time before helping you up.

Together you walked back to the car, but this time Chan was driving. No, he didn't have any license either.

While the car drove through the streets, all your memories; if you could call them that, with your dad flashed through your head.

Skz imagines ❤️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя