Lee Know - Crazy rich Asian(s)

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You turned in your and your husband's shared bed.

Well. It was mostly yours, as he always had to take that "One extra call."

You scoffed; what was so important about it, that he couldn't wait for tomorrow anyways?

Another turn in bed and that was it. You got out of bed and went into the living room. Here Lee Know was sitting on the couch with his phone to the ear.

"Babyyyy. Are you coming to bed soon?" You asked, as you sat down next to him.

He took your hand and continued talking to the phone, not even looking at you once.

You rolled your eyes. Of course; this was what he did every time.

An hour later, and it still felt like the call had just begun. You were getting impatient, as it already was past midnight by now.

"Minho....." You pleaded again.

He held the phone a little further away. "Not right now Y/N, this is important. Try to get some sleep. I'll come soon."

"Yeah right." You thought to yourself. 'Soon' usually meant around 2 or 3 hours according to your past experiences.

Sadly you crawled back to bed and fell asleep shortly after.

-Next day-

Lee Know's workday starts at 05:00, therefore he has to get up at least when the time is 03.30.

You don't know how he handles this hectic schedule. Alone survive it. -But he manages.

Your workday first begins at 09:00 and ends at 18:00, so you have plenty of time. It's just sad to wake up in this gigantic bed with all that empty space beside you.

You got out of bed with a sigh. "Another lonely day."  you would usually think. But to your surprise, that was not the case today.

As you walked through the doors to the living room, you spotted Lee Know softly sniffing on the couch.

"Love? Why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" You asked.

He turned surprised to you. "Oh. You're awake."

You sat down confused next to him. "Yeah? I'm normally up by this time, but I guess you aren't used to my schedule."

He seemed hurt by that comment and turned his head from you. "Exactly why I stayed at home." He mumbled.

You didn't quite catch what he said but decided not to ask about it.

After some time of silence, you finally concluded to say, what had been troubling your mind for the past few days.

"I... I want us to break up Minho."

He snapped his head towards you. This was definitely something he hadn't expected.

His beautiful, boba eyes widened and got filled with tears. There was no reason to ask why, as he already knew the reason.

"Are- Are you sure about this?" He asked.

This was one of the first conversations you've had after months. You missed talking to him, but you knew, if you continued the relationship, you would get more hurt than happy.

"I'm sure." You said at last.

He nodded and hugged you tight. "I'm sorry I couldn't make this work. I love you sincerely Y/N."

I need to make more happy ones-

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