I.N - Meet up

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Jeongin and you had been dating for about 5 months now, and he thought it was time to reveal it to the members.

You had setup a date for today, but it got moved to tomorrow because something unexpected in their schedule came up.

You sat on the couch nervously. What if they didn't like you? Jeongin was the youngest in the group, so they were really protective of him.

You were the most nervous about meeting Chan though. You knew that he was the leader, therefore he had most authority. He was the one who could change you and Jeongin's relationship the most, and if he didn't approve... You couldn't get your mind to think about that. You love Jeongin and would do everything not to lose him.

A few minutes later he came home with a big smile on his face. "Y/N!!!" He called. He ran into the living room and jumped unto the couch with you. "Guess what." He said innocently. Even though he was a full-grown adult, he still acted like a baby. You stared lovingly at him. "What?"

"Channie Hyung said he will love you no matter what and will pretend like you are his own kid. If I really love you, he won't say anything to JYP" He said with excitement. All your worries flew out of the window. "Chan is a great man." You thought.

-Time skip to next day-

You were in the car with Jeongin nervously tapping your legs. He grabbed your hand in his. "It's gonna be okay." He said confirmingly. It helped, but you were still extremely tense. Finally you arrived at the dorms.

Jeongin knocked on the door, soon after getting opened by Jisung. "JEONGIN AND Y/N ARE HEREEE." He yelled. Before long, all the boys were cramped into the doorway. "Give them some space kids." Chan commanded. All of them moved to the side like a red-carpet venue and greeted you.

You sat on the couch were they then asked questions, with you and Jeongin answering. It was fun and they seemed to like you, so soon all of you began to speak comfortably, a few laughs here and there.

"Y/N may I speak to you alone for a bit?" Chan asked. This was the question you had been dreading for. It would be rude to say no, so all the boys left so you and Chan could speak in private.

"The boys seem to like you." He said with a little laugh, "But as you know, the company doesn't allow dating and I don't like breaking rules." You nodded slowly. Of course you knew that; it constantly went through your mind.

He continued: "But I see how much Jeongin adores you, and I can see you feel the same. I don't want to split you up, just want to prepare you that it's gonna become harder to see each other the more Stray kids grow in popularity. Our little Jeongin here can be quite sensitive, and I don't wanna see him get hurt."

You nodded again. 

"If you can handle that, I'll keep it a secret from the company for now." He ended off.

You engulfed him in a big hug. "Thank you!" You responded happily. He smiled and pulled out of the hug. "Remember, it's gonna be hard." "I'll do my best." You answered, still smiling.

The boys came back and you and I.N left.

"You look happy." Jeongin said with a grin. "Did the guys treat you well?"

You nodded excitedly. "Very much."

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