Han- Popular Loner

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You walked through the halls of your school. It was past midnight; the only light here was the moon shining through the windows. 

You weren't scared. You've done this plenty of times, but something was off today. It just felt... Different. 

You continued through the dark hallway until you reached your designated place. 

Like usual, Han was sitting at the table furthest up against the wall, writing some stuff in a notebook. 

"You're here early." He said and grinned, still writing. 

"Yeah. You made it seem quite urgent."

You and Han would regularly meet up in here twice a week or so, but today he had passed you a note in class, asking you to come tonight, even though you've already met here twice already. 

He nodded and finally looked up. "I wanted to ask something." He tapped the seat next to him and you sat down. 

He looked into your eyes. He had beautiful brown eyes. You've never quite noticed this. Maybe because you never really paid attention to that part of his face. 

Suddenly your attention came back when he started speaking again. "You know how I like that girl from my class right?" He asked, not once breaking eye contact. 

You nodded slowly. He told you at one of your other meetings. 

You didn't know why, but when he told you, you kinda got sad. He didn't tell who it was, but deep inside you hated that person. 

You didn't have a crush on Han, which was why you felt so conflicted. 

He continued "I don't know...I just-" He paused finally looking away. He sighed, "I'm sorry, this is just really hard to say." 

He looked back up at you. 

You smiled reassuringly "It's okay, take your time." 

"I wanna ask her out." 

You felt a deep, sharp stab in your heart. You knew it would come at some point, but you didn't think it would be so soon. That would also probably mean you had to stop your secret meetings. 

"I know it's a lot to take in, but it's not what you think. We won't have to stop our meetings or anything." He said. 

That confused you. Why was it not what you thought? Also, wouldn't his future girlfriend get annoyed by your meetings? 

If she said yes at all. Well, she probably would. Who would say no to one of the most popular boys in the school? 

"I know you might be confused, and I know it's sudden, but I just wanted to tell you before I did it." 

He took your hand. 

"Y/N" He said and looked deeper into your eyes. 

"Want to go out with me?"

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