Hyunjin - But I'm...

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(A little angst? Tiny mention of drinking.)

Hyunjin and you had never had any conflicts, even though you've dated for almost 3 years. This changed today though...

You were happily skipping back home from work. You got off a little earlier, because you couldn't hold your excitement in.

"I'm homeee." You cheered, as you walked through the door. Hyunjin was sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone. Didn't even say hi.

You walked up behind him and kissed his cheek. "Hey, you okay?" You asked.

He stood up from the couch and faced you. His eyes exposed that he had been crying.

A worried expression fell across your face. "Something wrong?"

He started off with shaking his head, but then it turned into a nod.

You tried to hug him, but he pushed you away.

"Did I do something wrong?" You asked, trying to understand his situation.

He shook his head. "No, you didn't do anything. This is my fault."

You sighed in relief. "Tell me what's wrong then, so I can help you."

A tear escaped his eye. That was when you noticed all the empty bottles behind him. "Have you been drinking?" You asked with a stern voice.

"I tried to forget..." He started sobbing, as he shook his head.

"Forget what, Hyunjin? Forget what?" You couldn't help if he didn't tell you.

He was silent for a little while, but then he finally confessed: "I...I kissed another girl.."

You stood there in silence taking it all in. He... Was with another girl.


He looked up at you; clear regret was in his eyes.

You couldn't keep your secret in any longer, and decided to announce it in this horrible atmosphere: "I'm pregnant." 

Skz imagines ❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ