Chan - Family Returns Pt2 (Skz Family)

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TW: Mention of Family Trauma (Divorcing/Cheating parents. etc.), indirect suicide, depression.

-13 Years later-

"Do you have everything Y/N?" Your mom asked you.

"Yup, everything is packed!"

Your parents had finally managed to divorce, and you were staying at your dad's house this week.

"Get in the car then, what are you waiting for."

Dad lived about an hour away from Mom, yet only 10 minutes from school, so that was nice. Auntie Innie didn't live very far away either.

While driving, you passed a person wearing red from top to bottom, except the blue overalls.

"Tch, childish." You thought. Wait-

You looked back again. Could that have been?? Ew, no.

"What are you looking at?" Your mom asked.

"A beast, that called me dumb 13 years ago." You answered, while trying to get a glimpse of Chan again.

"You are just like your dad holding grudges for so long..." She sighed.

"You still love him, don't you mom." You suddenly asked.

A swift hint of sadness washed over her face, quickly to disappear back to her stone face.

"What made you think that? I was only out for his money." She answered bitterly.

You nodded and looked out the window. Sure.


You spotted Chan on the streets a lot more often than you'd like.

He had gotten heaps taller, and he had developed actual muscles. His baby like face was still intact though; just with a slight difference in his expression. He looked much sadder.

One day when you were walking down the streets, Chan was there again, but this time it seemed like he came towards you.

You stopped to see if he would change direction, however he continued your way, until he was right in front of you.

"Y/N, is that really you?" He asked carefully.

"Yup, it's me." You answered.

It was quiet for a while until he asked: "Why haven't we seen for so long?"

"I think we both had a lot on our plates to take care of." You answered and skimmed his tired looking face.

He nodded. "You're right."

"Well... Why did you walk over?" You asked.

He snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh. Well... I actually don't remember." He chuckled.

Woah, you had missed that sound. Not from him, but it wasn't a sound that came around a lot these days. 

"How's your family doing?" You asked trying to be polite, but you knew, when he made that face, that you had hit a hard spot.

"Oh, sorry-" You started, but he shook his head.

"It's fine. They're fine. I think. Well. I can't really know for sure... My dad could be anywhere in the world by now. Mom will never allow the conversation to focus on her, and my brother is busy with other stuff. So yeah. But I think everyone is good." He suddenly ranted.


"No, it's fine. Really." He looked into your eyes.

Without thinking, you went into his arms and gave him the biggest hug you possibly could. "I'm so sorry Chan."

He stayed quiet, but eventually hugged you back.

"I really needed that." He told, after pulling away.


After the reunion, you talked much more. You even got his number, so you could talk whenever.

Today you were going to his house for the first time in years. He had asked you to come after contemplating for a long time about it.

"Bye mom! I'll be going now." You yelled, but no one answered.

You thought she hadn't heard you, so you yelled again.

No reply.

You went looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found. That was until you heard a sniffle from the corner.

"Mom? Are you okay?" You asked and approached her.

Her eyes were all puffy and red, and she was holding her phone in her hands.

She looked up at you and started crying again.

You didn't know what to do. Your mom had never cried in front of you.

"Uhm, mom?" You tried to start a conversation, but she just gave her phone to you.

You looked at her, before accepting it. It was opened on a text message from your dad.

Divorced husband Seungmin. (Y/N's dad)

Hello Minho.

I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble over the years.

I know we got divorced for a reason, and I respect our(?) decision. I probably shouldn't text you, but this is important, and I really need to tell you.

This might affect a lot in your life, and if not, probably Y/N's.

Just so you know, this decision I've made has nothing to do with our relationship or anything like that. I just thought it was the most reasonable thing to do.

To help you a little on the way, I will leave my inheritance in your hands. This was what you wanted from the start though, wasn't it?

You've probably figured out what I'm going to do by now. Don't worry, I've thought about it a lot.

I'm set on this, and if you know me as much as I thought, you will know that nobody can shake my decision away.

"What about Y/N?" You may think. Well... I hope she finds someone to share her life with, that can fill my spot.

My heart still belongs to you Minho.

Goodbye. See you in heaven?

Since I enjoy listening to music while writing, (Even though it can be kinda hard to concentrate sometimes lol.) I'd recommend listening to "Arms Tonite" by  Mother Mother, "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by QUEEN, "Electric Love" by BØRNS and "Cloud 9" by Beach Bunny, while reading this story. 

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