Lee Know- Hospital pt1

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(I will split this into 2 or 3 parts since it's so long lmao.)

TW: Mention of extreme body injuries.

I was running towards the hospital; tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this was happening.

When I arrived, people stared at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was going crazy?

I felt horrible. My stomach was turning inside out, my heart was pounding like an infinite drum about to explode.

A doctor came over. She recognised me and followed me into a room. Before she left, she asked me to try to stay calm, since the patient was still weak and needed rest.

I went further into the room while trying to calm my nerves.

Just a few minutes ago, I had received a call from the hospital saying my boyfriend of 2 years, fell during dance practise and cut open his entire stomach and was now at the hospital.

It surprised me that they let me visit him so soon. But I couldn't argue; I was glad I could see him.

Lee Know was lying on a clean white bed with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful, and I couldn't help but smile. How was I so lucky to have him?

I quickly cleared my thoughts and got serious again. I checked the heart rate machine thingy next to him. It looked okay. I sighed in relief.

A blue, bloody, plastic cloth covered his stomach. I'm guessing it's to hide the opening. I took a stool out and sat next to him; taking the chance to admire his beautiful features.

A little while later, another doctor came in. "Ah, you must be Y/N am I right?" He asked. "yes, that's me sir."

He smiled. "The patient's breathing is fine, which surprised most of us since he was injured a lot. We have checked if there were any infections or broken bones inside of him and that seems fine as well. The only problems are though, that he has lost heaps of blood and will have to undergo surgery for the gigantic opening. He Is fortunately a very healthy boy and can easily go through it without too many Side Effects." The doctor ended off.

I looked at him. "How long will it take? And what would happen if the blood transfusion and surgery goes wrong?" I asked.

"Since we are quite busy nowadays, I think around 2 weeks? If anything goes wrong, which there probably won't, since we are professional and have done this many times, he could possibly die or get crazy infections inside of him that we can't remove. Oh, and if we don't close the opening soon, he could possibly rotten up too."

I stared at him in disbelief. 2 weeks? He will be all gone by then. I sighed, "Just do your best as fast as possible and call me. I don't know what I'm gonna do without him."

He smiled. "Will do miss."

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