I.N - Late night study

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(Best friend AU) 

You and your best friend I.N, were falling behind your class a lot.

Both of you had big dreams, you wanted to achieve, so you finally decided to actually do your homework.

I.N thought it would be a good idea to go to his house, since none of his family was home at the moment. It would just be you and him.

It only took 10 minutes to walk home to him, and you immediately went up to his room.

You looked around. There was only one chair at the desk, and it was so messy, that two people wouldn't be able to fit anyways.

"My bed is big enough for the both of us." I.N said knowing what you were thinking of, as he appeared behind you.

"Are you okay with that?" You asked.

He jumped onto his bed, showing the amount of space there was. "Yeah, it's fine. Not like you haven't sat on it before." He grinned.

"Lemme get my bag then." You said.

You both got set and started doing your homework.

It was only 2 minutes in, when you asked: "How much you got left?"

"About 3 weeks worth of assignments." He answered with a sigh.

"Wanna take a break?" You asked, with hope in your eyes.

He grinned: "Let's watch a movie."

You started packing your things back up again, while I.N searched for a movie.

It didn't take long, and the never-ending break finally started.

Half an hour in, you felt your head starting to drop.

You had studied long 2 minutes and walked for 10 minutes, which had tired you out completely.

Your head fell to I.N's shoulder. He jumped a little, but soon relaxed and just continued watching the movie.

When the movie finished and it was time for you to go home, he quietly shook you awake.

You rubbed your eyes. "Is it already over?" You asked tired.

"You parents will worry if you don't come home soon. I'll walk with you." He said.

When you didn't respond, he grabbed your arm and dragged you out with him. "Let's go, sleepy head." 

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